几道题不会,请大家帮帮忙,谢谢了~~~ 73

1.---Guess_______I did yedterday!
----I think you went to a party.
A where B when C what D which (C)
2.------Please speak loudly___I can hear a little better.
A though B so that C such that D as (B)
3.---We did_____Mr. HU told us and we won the first place in the league at last.
A though B like C as Dwhile
4.------I hate people_____talk much but do little
-------A who B who's C whose D whom (A)
5.----I tried to call you ____I heard form him,but you were not in.
A since B while C until D as soon as (D)
6.---I want to know ______you will come back at 8:30 tomorrow
A that B when C where D whether(D)
7.---I can't decide______to buy a new bike or___a used one
A what,to find B whether,to find Chow, look for D why,to look for (B)
8.--- My mom_I went shopping yesterday.
A with B and (B)为什么不用with?
9.--Great news,dad! The police has caught the man_____stole our car
A which B who C when D what(B)
10.--We'll never give up working on the experiment,_____difficult it is
A no matter how B no matter when C no matter what D no matter where(A)
11.The money will be used to help the people___lost their homes
A who B whose C which D where(A)

1.---Guess_______I did yedterday!
----I think you went to a party.
C what (C)
第一题肯定是选what啦,这里是what引导的宾语从句,做guess的宾语,what i did 也就是我做了什么,陈述句语序应该是 i did (what)即i did sth.的形式。

2.Please speak loudly___I can hear a little better.
B so that (B)
句意很清楚嘛,“请讲得大声点儿,以便我能听得更清楚些”,so that 的意思就是 以便于...其他几项都不符合意思

3.---We did_____Mr. HU told us and we won the first place in the league at last.
A though B like C as Dwhile

4.------I hate people_____talk much but do little
-------A who B who's C whose D whom (A)

5. i tried to call you ____I heard form him,but you were not in.
A since B while C until D as soon as (D)
as soon as 意思就是 一...就...,句意就是 我一收到你的信我就试着给你打电话,但是你不在家。用since的话,前半句就要用完成时不正确,用while表示两个动作基本同时发生,又不对。

6.---I want to know ______you will come back at 8:30 tomorrow
A that B when C where D whether(D)

7.---I can't decide______to buy a new bike or___a used one
A what,to find B whether,to find C how, look for D why,to look for (B)

8.--- My mom_I went shopping yesterday.
A with B and (B)为什么不用with?
and 是连词,with 是介词,
如果要用with的话,语序应该是 I went shopping with mom 或 mom went shopping with me,虽然中文翻译起来一样:我和我妈一起去购物。
但在形式上有区别,这样以来句子的主语只有一个了,要么是I 要么是妈妈,而如果是My mom and i went...主语就是两个人了,是并列的。

9.--Great news,dad! The police has caught the man_____stole our car
A which B who C when D what(B)

10.--We'll never give up working on the experiment,_____difficult it is
A no matter how B no matter when C no matter what D no matter where(A)
不管“怎样”困难,所以no matter 后面跟的肯定是how这个疑问词,how后面才能跟形容词。

11.The money will be used to help the people___lost their homes
A who B whose C which D where(A)
第1个回答  2010-08-23
1.---Guess_______I did yedterday!
----I think you went to a party.
A where B when C what D which (C)
Guess后面是宾语从句,从句中少I did的宾语,所以用C答案。
2.------Please speak loudly___I can hear a little better.
A though B so that C such that D as (B)
请你说话声音大点以便让我挺清楚些。so that引导的是目的状语从句。
3.---We did_____Mr. HU told us and we won the first place in the league at last.
A though B like C as Dwhile
我们按照Mr. HU 告诉我们去做,最后赢得了第一。方式状语从句。
4.------I hate people_____talk much but do little
-------A who B who's C whose D whom (A)
5.----I tried to call you ____I heard form him,but you were not in.
A since B while C until D as soon as (D)
6.---I want to know ______you will come back at 8:30 tomorrow
A that B when C where D whether(D)
我想知道是否你明天8:30 回来。表是否。
7.---I can't decide______to buy a new bike or___a used one
A what,to find B whether,to find Chow, look for D why,to look for (B)我不能决定是否买辆新自行车还说要辆旧的。
8.--- My mom_I went shopping yesterday.
A with B and (B)为什么不用with?
9.--Great news,dad! The police has caught the man_____stole our car
A which B who C when D what(B)
10.--We'll never give up working on the experiment,_____difficult it is
A no matter how B no matter when C no matter what D no matter where(A)
11.The money will be used to help the people___lost their homes
A who B whose C which D where(A)
第2个回答  2010-08-23
1 原意是 猜猜我昨天做了什么? 做了什么当然用what.
2 原意是 请大声点“以便”我能听清楚。 so that固定短语 以便的意思
3 原意是 我们“按照”**说的。。。 按照 的话 固定用as
4 原意是 我讨厌说多做少的人 这里的要有一个talk much but do little的主语 所以用who
5 原意是 我在收到他信的时候就想马上告诉你。 这里也是固定的短语 as soon as 这种短语多看多记多读就就记住
6 原意是 我想知道你明天8点半“是否”可以赶回来 是否 当然只能是 whether
7 原意是 我无法决定是买辆新车还是找辆二手的 二者中的一个 也是whether的一个意思
8 原意是 妈妈和我 当然是and with的后面是跟宾语 你可以说 My mom went shopping with me yesterday .
9 原意是 和第四题一样 要一个主语 来偷我们的车 所以用who
10 原意是 “不管有多么”困难 当然是 no matter how
11 原意是 和第4和9题一样 要一个主语去 失去他们的家园

好辛苦 希望对你有所帮助
第3个回答  2010-08-23
1.此句考察疑问词的使用,A 哪里 B 何时 C 什么 D 哪一个,句子问的是“我昨天做了什么”,根据句意,选C
2.so that 如此以至于,固定短语;A 尽管 C 无此说法,只有such as D 如……一样
3.选C,as正如的意思,其他选项A 尽管 B 像 D 当……时 句意都不对
4.B C 是“……的”的意思,排除;D hate后面跟的是个宾语从句,people是主语,所以用who
5.考察各个词的意思,A自从,和下面“你不在”不合;B当……时 同样不符合下文;C 直到,理由同上;D 一……就
6.句子的意思是“我想知道你明天是否会在8:30回来”根据句意,选择 D(是否)
7.whether 是否,符合句子意思,直接就选B
9.who相当于之前的the man,当然得用提问人物的词
10.疑问词的使用,how修饰形容词,difficult是形容词;其他选项 B no matter when 不管何时C no matter what不管什么 D no matter where不管何处,都不对
11.The money will be used to help the people___lost their homes
A who B whose C which D where(A)
与第九题类似,who引导的从句修饰的是the people