

Today in a day of practice in class, the children are really cute. General small children in 3~4 years old, the youngest in the class only two and a half! Nine, the children ate breakfast, start watching cartoons, children can now and then we are not the same! Now the children of what they do not have much appeal. For example, the most popular recently "pleasant goat and grey wolf", for whom the only let them be quiet for two minutes. Oh, these children now this is spoiled! Just to the kindergarten because of the kindergarten in their daily life and study are not familiar with. I just help teachers some than the routine work, such as in the dim sum, meal time to their distribution of food. Zhang my class and we chatted about the day, Zhang told me, the child can not always laugh, because now the kids are smart, they can see who is good to them, who bullied, so, later you say what they will not listen to you. As a teacher, we must first learn to establish credibility, only you win the respect of children, the children will be in front of you obedient! And bring joy to me is the children in the class, they are all very cute, there are introverted, but also lively and cheerful. I like to look at me with curious eyes, like to call my teacher. Although I can't remember exactly what each child is called, I remember every one of them. We still have a long time to get along. I also feel that it is a lot of effort to get along with the kids and get into them. But I will never give up, because I love children and stay together. I love the occupation. First day no lecture, understand a daily compasses like when you drink, toilet when, when to eat. Teach them to find their own cups his handkerchief, clearly told many times is children will put in the wrong, but as long as the teacher carefully with patience these will actually do. The child's habits, for future work to reduce a lot of trouble. Calisthenics, Zhang said the children: "hand on the shoulder, one two go go go! The little train,.,.,. Kakaka, kids under the guidance of the teacher consciously row a team one two one two go ahead, looking at their darling face filled with a bright smile, when children are very good, I really hope that they could have been so carefree happy go down. My first day of kindergarten practice that comes with second days to prepare for the arrival of the end! Attitude is everything, although a little tired, but the mood is cheerful, strive to enter the state, with an open mind as teachers studying. The first day is full of vitality and look forward to the arrival of tomorrow, learning to live with children. For yourself!