The outsiders 一英文书的人物关系!还有最后的结局!速度!急求!

书名叫The outsiders 作者叫 S.E.Hinton 要本书的人物关系以及最后结局!谢谢各位好心人!

局外人》(The Outsiders),作者S.E.Hinton,写这本书时只有16岁,这是她的处女作。

作品描写帮派斗争和帮派成员的心理成长历程。小说中描写了两个对立的黑帮:The Greaser和The Socs的故事。The Outsider是指无论如何努力也无法取胜的人。小说中The outsider明指The Greaser,但是却暗示这两个黑帮都是The Outsiders,因为无论他们如何有侠气,如何从烈火燃烧的教堂中救出儿童,他们仍然无法获得社会丝毫的同情与尊重。此书乃美国90年代百本禁书之一。
第1个回答  2013-11-29
Ponyboy Curtis - The novel’s fourteen-year-old narrator and protagonist, and the youngest of the greasers. Ponyboy’s literary interests and academic accomplishments set him apart from the rest of his gang. Because his parents have died in a car accident, P