

Students increasingly high myopia, physical pass rate than adults, the ceremony will have a student fainted ...... Today, students are getting physically worrying. How to radically improve the situation? If the sports scores into the college entrance examination, whether the change being marginalized school sports phenomenon, thus fundamentally improve students' physical fitness?

Fanfangguandian as follows: Each student should not have the same physique, sports scores into the entrance, then the child will be very weak constitution disadvantage; sports scores can be easily spoofed, if we are to muddle through it, not only can not improve our physique, but let everyone psychological burden heavier; sports into the entrance too utilitarian.

Square points are as follows: If the sport into the entrance, is the ability to promote physical fitness of students, such as the sports included in the exam we, the student body increased rapidly; in the United States, the children are advocating running, grasp lifelong physical exercise method or learn a kinds of ball games are necessary; sufficiently serious to be treated, for the improvement of students' physical condition is very favorable.

In my opinion, sports included in the college entrance examination is very necessary and healthy first is that each students needs, and can better exercise our body and brain, thinking, these are of great help for learning.




第1个回答  2013-11-11