

大雁塔是楼阁式砖塔,采用磨砖对缝(意思是将砖的 6 个面磨光,用石灰、三合土、米浆粘连)的砌垒技术。大雁塔的特点是:砖结构体现出木结构的斗拱风格;砖墙上显出“棱柱”来,可以明显分出墙壁开间。这些都是中国特有的传统建筑艺术形式。大雁塔塔身高大,结构坚固,外观庄严、朴实、大方,充分体现了我国古代劳动人民的智慧和才能。

The Heavenly King and the Buddha in line drawings appear on the door frames and horizontal bars on the four sides of the pagoda's base. They are vividly portrayed in smooth lines and show a high level of workmanship. They serve as an important source of material for the study of paintings and sculptures of the Tang Dynasty. Out of these artistic works, the one on the horizontal bar of the west door is the most precious. It is a rare piece of art now used for the study of the Tang architecture.

塔底层四周门楣上雕刻有天王及佛像等线刻画,这些画刻工高超,形象生动,线条流畅,是研究唐代绘画及雕刻的重要资料,其中尤以西门楣的线刻画最为珍贵,是研究唐代建筑的珍贵艺术品。 大雁塔的得名还有一段有趣的故事呢!传说玄奘在印度取经时曾住在一座大乘佛寺内。印度佛教分大乘、小乘两派。大乘吃素,小乘吃荦。玄奘住的这座寺院附近有一座小乘寺。一天该寺的僧人因吃不到肉而发愁,那天正好是菩萨布施日。一个和尚仰天叹道:“大慈大悲的菩萨一定不会忘记今天是什么日子!”他正说着,一群大雁飞来,头雁坠地而死。僧侣们个个惊愕万分,以为菩萨显灵,送来大雁以解饥苦。从此,全寺和尚不再吃肉并改信大乘佛教。他们还在大雁落地处修建了一座塔,取名“雁塔”。大雁塔就是玄奘依照印度那座“雁塔”的形式设计建造的。为了颂扬佛教,纪念玄奘,后来人们就称慈恩寺塔为“雁塔”。半个世纪后,荐福寺塔修成了。两塔遥遥相对,风采各异。因荐福寺塔比雁塔小,人们就将这座塔叫大雁塔,而将荐福寺塔改叫小雁塔了。

There is an interesting story about the name of the pagoda. It is said that Master Xuan Zang once stayed in a Mahayana temple in India. In fact, there are two major sects of Buddhism in India, the Mahayana and the Hinayana. The Mahayana believers are vegetarians while those of the Hinayana are non-vegetarians. Near the temple where he stayed , there was a Hinayana temple. One day, a monk was just worried about the shortage of meat in the temple. But it happened to be the General Alms Day of the Buddha, another monk looked up at the sky and sighed, “Our beloved Buddha, the Great and Merciful, will not forget what day it is today!” At these words, a flock of wild geese flew over the temple. The head goose dropped dead to the ground. The monks were all puzzled by this, and they concluded that this must be the result of the Buddha's spirit at work: to provide them with the wild goose. Ever since then, the monks of the temple became vegetarians and began to believe in Mahayana Buddhism. They also set up a pagoda where the wild goose dropped dead, and called it the Wild Goose Pagoda. The Wild Goose Pagoda that greets us today was acturally modeled after its Indian prototype. It was given the same name in memory of Xuan Zang and in praise of Buddhism. After about half a century, the pagoda at the Jianfu Temple was built. The two pagodas face each other over a distance, but assume different styles. Since the one in the Jianfu Temple is smaller than the Wild Goose Pagoda, it is often called the Small Wild Goose Pagoda.
第1个回答  2013-10-29
big wild goose pagoda