英语作文 亲子共读


第1个回答  推荐于2018-03-18
To call on more students and their parents to read books in their spare time,an
activity of parent-child reading was organized on November 25th in our school
library.Students of Grade 3 and their parents participated in it.
During the activity,each student and his or her parents were asked to choose
one chapter from their book and then read it together.After that,they shared their
feelings or opinions about it.Many parents said this offered a better opportunity for
them to get to know each other.Finally every family recommended to others three
great books.
The activity was surely a great success.It not only aroused more students'
interest in reading,but made more parents realize the significance of reading with
thei r children.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-10-26