情态动词 have done是什么用法


1、can have done的用法
  can have done用于对过去动作的推测,表示“可能”,常用于否定句和疑问句。
  She can't have gone to work. It's Sunday.她不可能去上班,今天是星期日。
  She is two hours late. What can have happened?她已经晚了两个小时,可能会发生什么事情呢?
  -Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday? 你认为我们的篮球队员打得好吗?
  - They couldn’t have done better. 他们从来没有打这么好过。
  2、must have done的用法
  must have done用于对过去动作的推测,表示"可能一定……",用于肯定的陈述句中。
  I have not seen him for quite a long time. He must have been very busy.我很久没见他了,他一定很忙。
  I didn't hear the phone, I must have been asleep. 我没听到电话,我肯定是睡着了。
  3、may have done的用法
  may have done用于对过去动作的推测,表示 "或许;可能",多用于肯定句和否定句。
  She is late. She may have missed the bus.她迟到了,她可能没赶上车。
  He may not have read the book.他也许没有看过那本书。
  He might have given you more help, even though he was very busy.即使他很忙,他可能会给你很多帮助。
  4、ought to/should have done的用法
  ought to/should have done的肯定形式表示"过去应该做的事而没有做",其否定形式表示 "过去不该做的事却做了",含有批评的意思。
  Jenny should have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind. 詹妮应该信守诺言。我不知道她为什么改变了主意。
  You ought to have paid more attention to your lessons.你本应该多注意自己的功课的。
  She ought not to have kept us waiting so long.她不应该让我们等那么长时间。
  I shouldn't have ordered the equipment without asking you first.我不该预先不请示你就订购了设备。
  I was really anxious about you. You shouldn’t have left home without a word.我们是在为你着急,你不该一声不吭就离家。
  We should have studied last night, but we went to the concert instead. 我们昨晚该学习来,而我们去了音乐会。
  Tom ought not to have told me your secret, but he meant no harm.汤姆不应该告诉我你的秘密,但他没恶意。
  5、need have done的用法
  need have done一般多用于否定句或疑问句中,表示 “本来不必做的事却做了”。
  You needn't have told that to him.你本来没有必要把那事告诉他。(实际却告诉了)
  You needn’t have hurried.你本来不必这么匆忙。(却忙了一阵子)
  There was plenty of time. She needn’t have hurried. 还有时间,她没必要如此匆忙。
  6、could have done的用法
  could have done表示对过去动作的推测,作用和can have done相同,但表达的可能性较小或说话人更加不肯定。
  John could have overslept again.约翰可能又睡过头了。
  could have done有时表示 “过去本来能做的事而实际上却没有做”。
  You could have come here a little earlier.你本来可以早一点到这里来的。
  7、might have done的用法
  might have done表示程度上比may更小的可能性。
  He might have arrived home by now. Let's ring him up again.现在他可能已经到家了,我们再给他打一次电话吧。
  might have done有时表示 “本来可以做的事而实际上没有做”,含有 “劝告,责备”的语气。
  You might have been more careful.你本来可以多加小心的。
-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。
第1个回答  2020-04-14

