

take your time 有从容不迫,慢慢来的意思
1.后面可以跟to do 的形式,即 take your time to do sonething
例句:You can take your time to pay the debt you owe me.
2.也可以使用take your time doing something的形式。
例句:Take your time deciding. I'll be back in a few minutes.
3.还可以使用take your time with something
例句:Take your time with each resume, as it is the first impression you make on the hiring manager.
参考资料:百度翻译 “take your time”
第1个回答  2016-07-17
take your time to do sth.
第2个回答  2016-07-27
take time
一、 拿,取 I want to take some books to the classroom. 我想拿些书到教室。
二、 吃,喝,服用,放 ① Take this medicine three times a day. 每天吃三次药。 ② Do you take sugar in your milk? 你喝的牛奶里放糖吗?
三、 乘车(船)等 ① Shall we go there by bike or take a taxi? 我们是骑自行车去那还是坐出租车去? ② They usually take a bus to work. 他们通常乘公交车上班。
四、 常常和it连用,it在句子中作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。翻译成“花费(时间、金钱)等” ① How long will it take you to do your homework every day? 每天做作业要花费你多长时间? ② It usually takes her 20 yuan to buy books every week. 每周买书通常要花费她20元钱。
五、“做……事情”, 常常和名词连用,表示与该名词意义相关的动作 例如:take a walk散步, take a rest休息一下, take a look看一看等等。
1. take away 拿走 Tom takes the knife away from the little boy. 汤姆从小男孩手里把刀拿走了。
2. take care (=be careful=look out) Take care!The car is coming! 小心!车来了!
3. take (good) care of (好好)照顾,照料 I can take care of the baby all by myself. 我自己能照顾这个小孩。
4. take down 取下来 Take down the picture and put up the map of the world. 摘下这张图画,挂上一幅世界地图。
5. take out 拿出 Please take out a piece of paper and write down your names on it, OK? 拿出一张纸,在上面写下你们的名字,好吗?
6. take off脱下;飞机(等起飞) ① Sorry! You have to take off your shoes before getting into the computer room. 对不起,在进入微机室之前,先要把你的鞋子脱掉。 ② The plane is going to take off soon. 飞机马上就要起飞了。
7. take one's time 别着急,慢慢来 Please take your time!别着急,慢慢来!
8. take one's temperature 量体温 Mingming is ill. The doctor is taking his temperature now. 明明生病了,大夫正在给他量体温。
第3个回答  2016-07-17
to do