

学习用品类:pen(钢笔), pencil(铅笔), book(书), eraser(橡皮), ruler(尺子), pencil-case(铅笔盒), marker(彩笔), bag(书包), glue(胶水), scissors(剪刀), paper(纸), sharpener(卷笔刀).
教室内物品类:door(门), window(窗户), blackboard(黑板), desk(课桌), chair(椅子), map(地图), picture(图画), light(灯), chalk(粉笔), floor(地板), wall(墙).
房间名称类:house(房子), apartment(公寓), room(房间), bedroom(卧室), living room(客厅), kitchen(厨房), bathroom(卫生间).
家用物品类:bed(床), television=TV(电视), table(桌子), telephone(电话), computer(电脑), refrigerator=fridge(电冰箱), closet(衣橱), dresser(床头柜), lamp(台灯), sofa(沙发), couch(长沙发), camera(照相机), cup(茶杯), glass(玻璃杯), bowl(碗), dish(盘子), chopsticks(筷子), spoon(勺子), fork(叉子), towel(毛巾), sink(水槽), stove(炉子), toilet(马桶), shower(淋浴器), bathtub(浴盆), brush(刷子), toothbrush(牙刷), umbrella(雨伞).
交通工具类:bus(公共汽车), car(小汽车), truck(大卡车), bicycle=bike(自行车), train(火车), airplane=plane(飞机), ship(轮船), boat(小船), taxi(出租车), cab(出租小汽车).
人体部位类:body(身体), head(头), hair(头发), eye(眼睛), ear(耳朵), nose(鼻子), mouth(嘴), face(脸), neck(脖子), shoulder(肩膀), arm(胳膊), elbow(胳膊肘), hand(手), finger(手指), stomach (肚子), leg(腿), knee(膝盖), foot(脚)→复数feet, toe(脚趾).
动物名称类:cat(猫), dog(狗), pig(猪), duck(鸭子), goose(鹅)→复数geese, bird(鸟), chicken(母鸡), chick(小鸡), cock(公鸡), bee(蜜蜂), butterfly(蝴蝶), cow(奶牛), horse(马), rabbit(兔子), monkey(猴子), panda(熊猫), tiger(老虎), lion(狮子), bear(熊), elephant(大象), donkey(驴), snake(蛇), frog(青蛙), fish(鱼), sheep(绵羊), goat(山羊), fox(狐狸), wolf(狼), mouse(老鼠)→复数mice, zebra(斑马), camel(骆驼), deer(鹿), giraffe(长颈鹿), kangaroo(袋鼠).
水果名称类:apple(苹果), banana(香蕉), pear(梨子), peach(桃子), orange(桔子), grape(葡萄), strawberry(草莓), melon(瓜), watermelon(西瓜), pineapple(菠萝), mango(芒果), coconut(椰子).
食品名称类:bread(面包), egg(鸡蛋), hamburger(汉堡包), sandwich(三明治), hot dog(热狗), ice cream(冰激凌), cake(蛋糕), cookies(饼干), pizza(比萨饼), donut(面包圈), toast(烤面包), jam(果酱), noodles(面条), dumplings(饺子), rice(米饭), soup(汤), French fries(炸薯条), sausage(香肠), beef(牛肉), mutton(羊肉), fish(鱼肉), pork(猪肉), chicken(鸡肉).
蔬菜名称类:cabbage(卷心菜), onion(洋葱), carrot(胡萝卜), pea(豌豆), eggplant(茄子), tomato(西红柿), potato(土豆), beans(豆子).
饮料名称类:juice(果汁), milk(牛奶), pop(汽水), coffee(咖啡), coke(可乐), tea(茶), water(水).

家庭成员类: grandfather(祖父/外祖父), grandmother(祖母/外祖母), grandpa(爷爷/姥爷), grandma(奶奶/姥姥), father(父亲), dad(爸爸), mother(母亲), mum/mom(妈妈), brother(兄/弟), sister(姐/妹), uncle(伯/叔/舅/姑/姨父), aunt(伯/婶/舅/姑/姨母), cousin(堂/表兄弟姐妹).
职业名称类:doctor(医生), nurse(护士), teacher(老师), worker(工人), driver(司机), farmer(农民), policeman(警察), pupil(小学生), student(中学生), clerk(职员), businessman(男商人), businesswoman(女商人), waiter(男服务员), waitress(女服务员), cashier(收银员), writer(作家), singer(歌手), actor(演员), dancer(舞蹈演员).
服装名称类:blouse(男衬衫), shirt(女衬衫), T-shirt(T恤衫), skirt(短裙), dress(连衣裙), jacket(夹克衫), cap(太阳帽), hat(礼帽), coat(大衣), sweater(毛衣), pants (长裤), shorts(短裤), jeans(牛仔裤), sock(袜子), shoe(鞋子), sandals(露趾凉鞋), mittens=mitts(连指手套), gloves(分指手套), scarf(围巾), raincoat(雨衣), swimsuit(游泳衣).

球类名称类:basketball(篮球), football(足球), volleyball(排球), tennis(网球), ping-pong=table tennis(乒乓球), badminton(羽毛球), baseball(棒球).
方位名称类:east(东方),west(西方), north(北方), south(南方).

公共场所类:park(公园), library(图书馆), gym(体育馆), shop(商店), store(商场), cinema=movie theatre(电影院), restaurant(餐馆), market(市场), hotel(宾馆).

一日三餐类:breakfast(早餐), lunch(午餐), supper=dinner(晚餐).

季节名称类:season(季节), winter(冬季), spring(春季), summer(夏季), fall=autumn(秋季).

星期名称类:week(周), Sunday(星期日), Monday(星期一), Tuesday(星期二), Wednesday(星期三),Thursday(星期四), Friday(星期五), Saturday(星期六).
月份名称类:month(月), January(一月), February(二月), March(三月), April(四月), May(五月), June(六月), July(七月), August(八月), September(九月), October(十月), November(十一月), December(十二月).
图形名称类:shape(图形、形状), line(直线), circle(圆形), square(方形), triangle(三角形).

节日名称类:New Year’s Day(新年、元旦), Spring Festival(春节), Women’s Day(妇女节), International workers’ Day=May Day(国际劳动节), Children’s Day(儿童节), Teachers’ Day(教师节), National Day(国庆节), Christmas Day(圣诞节).

a.完全不规则:am,is-was, are-were, do/does-did, go-went, see-saw, say-said, have/has-had, fly-flew, speak-spoke, buy-bought, bring-brought, think-thought, teach-taught, eat-ate, lie-lay, can-could, will-would.
b.改变其中的元、辅音字母:give-gave, get-got, forget-forgot, come-came, run-ran, sing-sang, write-wrote,draw-drew, drink-drank, ride-rode, swim-swam, shine-shone, find-found, win-won, lose-lost, make-made.
c.原形和过去式同形:read-read, put-put, hit-hit, hurt-hurt, cost-cost.

问候:Hi! Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening! Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too. A:How are you? B: Fine,thank you./Very well,thank you.
介绍:My name is ____. / I am a student. / I’m from Canada. /This is ______.
告别:Good-bye! /Bye! /Bye-bye!Good night!See you later /tomorrow!
感谢:-Thank you(very much)/ Thanks a lot. -That’s OK. / That’s All right. / You are welcome. / Not at all.
道歉:-Sorry. / I am sorry. -That’s OK. / It’s all right.
邀请:-Would you like to go for a walk? / Will /Would you come to my birthday party?-Sure. / No, thanks.
请求允许:-May I go on a trip to Beijing?-Yes, you may. / No, you may not. / Sure. / Certainly. -Can I use your pencil?-Of course, you can.
祝愿与祝贺:Have a lovely day! / Good luck! / Happy New Year! / Merry Christmas!
You, too. / The same to you. -Happy birthday!-Thank you.
约会:A:Would you like to play with me this afternoon?B: Yes. When? A:At 12:00.
B: See you then.
打电话:A:Hello! May I speak to Mr. Wood? B:Yes, just a moment, please.
A:Hello! Is Kim there? B:No /Sorry, can I take a message.
就医:A:What’s the matter?/What’s wrong with you? B:I hurt my finger. I have a headache /stomachache.
就餐:A:Would you like something to eat / drink? B: Yes. I would like rice and chicken. A:What would you like? B:I would like some tea.
A:Would you like some more dumplings? B:Yes, please. / No, thanks / thank you.
A:May I have some more soup? B:It’s delicious.Sure / OK.
购物:A:Can/May/I help you? B: Yes. I want to buy a dress, please.
A:Here you are. B: May I try it on? A:Ok/Sure. B: It’s too big/small.
A:This one is just right. B: How much is it/ are they? A:One hundred yuan /dollars. B: It’s too expensive. /It’s very cheap. But I like it. I’ll take it.
问路:A:Excuse me. Do you know where is the________?
B: Yes. Go straight down the street. Turn left /turn right.
提供帮助:A: Can I help you? /May I help you? B: Yes, please. / No, thanks.
询问对方姓名:A:What’s your name? B:My name is ____.
A:What’s his/ her name? B: His /her name is ___.
A:Who are you? B: I’m _____.
询问在那儿:A: Where is the book? B:It is on the desk.
A:Where is Jenny? B:She is behind Danny.
询问是什么:A:What is it? B: It is a marker.
询问颜色:A:What colour is the sweater? B:It is black.
询问时间:A:What time is it? B: It’s seven.
A:When is Teachers’Day? B: It’s on September tenth.
询问地址和住址:A:Where are you from? B: I’m from Canada.
A:What’s your address? B: My address is 111 Park Road.
A:Where do you live? B: I live in an apartment.
询问日期:A:What day is today? B: It’s Monday.
A:What day is tomorrow? B: It’s Tuesday.
A:What day was yesterday? B: It was Sunday.
A:What’s the date? B: It’s October 19th.
询问对方正做什么:A:What are you doing? B: I’m writinging a letter.
A:What is he/ she doing? B: He /she is playing.
A:What are they doing? B: They are learning English.
询问对方做过些什么:A:What did you do? B: I went to the gym.
A:What did they do? B: They played basketball.
询问对方将要做什么:A:What will you do? B: I will fly a kite.
A:What is he going to do? B: He is going to learn English.
询问对方最喜欢的事物:A:What’s your favourite colour /food / fruit /shape/ season?
B: My favourite colour is white.
询问数量:A:How many pencils do you have? B: I have 10 pencils.
A:How many birds can you see? B: I can see 20 birds.
A:How many days are there in a week? B: There are seven days in a week.
询问价钱:A:How much is the scarf? B: Twenty yuan.
A:How much are the runners? B: They are thirty dollars.
谈论天气气温:A:How’s the weather today? B: It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/snowy.
A:What’s the temperature? B: It’s _______degrees.
询问年龄:A:How old are you? B:I’m fourteen years old.
A:How old is she/ he? B: He/ She is twenty .
询问身高:A:How tall are you? B: I’m 1.6 metres tall.
A:How tall is she/ he? B: She/ he is 1.7 metres tall.
A:How often do you play basketball? B: About once a week.
A:How often does my mother clean my bedroom? B: Twice a day.
询问事情距离长短:A:How long is the trip? B: About two hours to Beijing.
A:How long does he go to school a day ? B: Eight hours.
A:How far is it from here to Beijing? B: It’s one hundred kiliometres.
询问对方感觉怎么样: A:How do you feel? B: I feel sad.
询问对方是谁,问谁在做些什么?A:Who is this? B: This is a man.
A:Who is talking? B: Danny is talking.
询问东西是谁的:A:Whose hat is this? B: This is my hat /mine.
询问原因:A: I like to eat vegetables. Why? B:Because it’s good for your heal