
I read English every day.

She watches tv in the evening.

We do our homework every day.

They pften play basketball.


1.I read English every day.
否定句是直接对动词进行否定。像这句话read否定要用do not(don't),be的则用be not(isn't,aren't)
否定句:I don't read English every day.
一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它是指用yes或no来回答的句子。其结构是: 系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分?
一般疑问句:Do you read English every day?
肯定回答的格式是“Yes, 主语(一般是代词)+系动词be/助动词/情态动词.”
肯定回答:Yes,I do.
否定回答的格式是“No, 主语(一般是代词)+系动词be/助动词/情态动词+not (一般会有缩写,don't.isn't.etc).”
否定回答:No, I don't.
提问:When do you read English?

2.She watches tv in the evening.
否定句:She doesn't watch TV in the evening.
一般疑问:Does she watch TV in the evening?
肯定回答:Yes, she does.
否定回答:No, she doesn't.
提问:When does she watch TV?

3.We do our homework every day.
否定句:We don't do our homework every day.
一般疑问:Do you do your homework everyday?
(第一个do是助动词,第二个是do our homework的do,句子的谓语,和上边一个句子类似的改一下人称比较好)
肯定回答:Yes, we do.
否定回答:No, we don't.
提问:When do you do your homework?

4.They often play basketball.(often,写错了吧:))
否定句:They don't often play basketball.
一般疑问:Do they often play basketball?
肯定回答:Yes, they do.
否定回答:No, they don't.
提问:When do they play basketball?

再补充:上边那位说How often是有道理的,不过你这儿说对“时间”提问么。。。
第1个回答  2010-08-05
1. I don't read English every day.
Do you read English every day?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
What do you do every day?

2. She doesn't watch TV in the evening.
Does she watch TV in the evening?
Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't.
What does she do in the evening? 对 watch TV 提问
When does she watch TV? 对in the evening 提问

3. We don't do our homework every day.
Do you do your homework every day?
Yes, we do. / No, we don't.
What do you do every day? 对do our homework 提问

4. They don't often play basketball.
Do they often play basketball?
Yes, they do./ Do, they don't.
What do they often do? 对play basketball 提问

注: 一般现在时的否定句结构是: 主语 + don't/ doesn't + 动词原形
一般疑问句的结构: Do/ Does + 主语 + 动词原形
特殊疑问句的结构: 特殊疑问词( what/when/where...) + 一般疑问句
第2个回答  2010-08-05
I read English every day.
【I don't read English every day.】
【Do you read English every day?】【yes,I do/No,I don't】
【How often do you read English?】
She watches tv in the evening.
【She doesn't watch tv in the evening】
【Does she watch tv in the evening? 】【Yes,she does/No,she doesn't】
【When does she watch tv ?】
We do our homework every day.
【We don't do our homework every day.】
【Do you do your homework every day?】【Yes,we do/No,we don't】
【When do you do your homework ?】
They often play basketball.
【They don't often play basketball.】
【Do they often play basketball?】【Yes,they do /No,they don't】
【when do they play basketball?】
第3个回答  2010-08-05
1. I don't read English every day.
Do you read English every day?
Yes, I do./ No, I don't.
How often do you read English? 频度副词
(often,everyday 等用How often 提问)

2. She doesn't watch TV in the evening.
Does she watch TV in the evening?
Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't.
When does she watch TV? 具体时间用when或what time提问

3. We don't do our homework every day.
Do you do your homework every day?
Yes, we do. / No, we don't.
How often do you do your homework?

4. They don't often play basketball.
Do they often play basketball?
Yes, they do./ Do, they don't.
How often do they play basketball?

p.s.: 一般现在时的否定句结构是: 主语 + don't/ doesn't + 动词原形+其他句子成分
一般疑问句的结构: Do/ Does + 主语 + 动词原形+其他句子成分+问号
特殊疑问句的结构: 特殊疑问词( what/when/where...) + 一般疑问句+其他句子成分+问号
如果句子中有some改成any a lot of 改成many或much
第4个回答  2010-08-05
that's all right
I don't read English every day
She does't watch tv in the evening.

We don't do our homework every day.

They pften don't play basketball.
第5个回答  2010-08-05
1、否:I don't read English every day.
一: Do you read English every day?
回答:Yes, I do . No, I don't.
提问:How often do you read English ?

2、否:She doesn't watch TV in the evening.
一: Does she watch TV in the evening?
回答:Yes, she does /No,she doesn't
提问:When does she watch TV?

3、否:We don't do our homework every day.
一: Do you do your homework every day?
回答:Yes,we do/No,we don't
提问:How often do you do our homework?

4、否:They don't often play basketball.
一: Do they often play basketball?
回答:Yes,they do/No,they don't
提问:How often do they play baksetball?