关于It is/was...when...that...的句型分析

It was only in the last decade when both political and social changes took place that women were finally granted the freedom to love who they wanted to love.
这个句中的when强调the last decade, 请帮忙分析下这句子,这句子如果是强调句型,而在强调句型的基本结构应该是:it is ...that... ,那这个when横在当中是怎么回事呢?难道when在此引导的是定语从句?我现在比较晕,大家帮帮我,谢谢。
是不是when both political and social changes took place 整个句子作为定语来修饰the last decade?而基本句型还是it is...taht...的强调句?

it was that是强调句型,强调的是 only in the last decade when both political and social changes took place ,而这个被强调的部分在原句中做的是时间状语从句的成分。

整个句子可以去掉强调结构就是Only in the last decade when both political and social changes took place ,women were finally granted the freedom to love who they wanted to love .只有在经济和社会变革发生的最近的十年里,妇女才最终被赋予能够爱她们所爱的人的自由。

第1个回答  2010-08-24
其实句型还是it is…that…的,when…只是decade后又插入的一个定语从句,你可以把when所引导的从句去掉,是不是清晰了很多呢?