


1.Do I need to pay a deposit.我需要付押金吗? 

2.I'd like to book a suite.我想要预定一个套间。

3.I'd prefer a quiet room.我想要一个安静点的房间。

4.I'd like a room with a view.我想要一个风景较好的房间。

5.I'd like to book a single room.我想要预定一个单人间。

6.I'd like to book a double room.我想要预定一个双人间。

7.I'd like to book a deluxe suite.我想要预定一个豪华套间。

8.What kind of room would you like?您需要什么样的房间?

9.When will you stay in our hotel?您什么时候过来我们酒店? 

10.How long will you stay in our hotel?你要在我们酒店待多久? 

11.In whose name is the reservation made?是以谁的名义订的房间?

12.Would you like breakfast in our hotel?您要不要在饭店吃早餐?

13.I'd like a room facing the sea/the mountains.我喜欢朝向大海/群山的房间。

14.I would like to book a standard room for three days.我想预订三天的标准间。

15.We will be staying from tuesday for three nights.我们从星期二开始住三晚。

16.The closest tourist destination is the beach.离这里最近的旅游景点是海滩。

17.I'd like to make a reservation for a suite1 with both shower and bath.我想预订一个既带淋浴又带浴缸的套房。

18.Is it just for tonight?只住今晚吗?

19.How long will you be staying?您打算住多久?

20.How long will you stay with us?您打算住多久?

21.How much will that room be?那个房间的价格是?

22.What attractions are nearby?附近有什么旅游景点?

23.Do you have any vacancies now?请问目前有空房间吗?

24.Can I just come some other time?我不能换个时间过来吗?

25.I should look up some hotel rates.我应该查一下一些酒店的价格。
