

Lesson 60
1 When the weather changes,we will go on an excursion.
2 As soon as we have some information,we will let you know.
3 I want you to post all these letters before you leave at5.
4 We will celebrate the New Year after the clock strikes at 12.
5 The moment I arrive in New York,I will phone you.
6 They will wait until your train arrives.
7 Berore you leave the table,you must eat all your vegetables.
8 When you grow up,youwill be rich and famous.
9 The moment Mary is on holiday,she will come and see you.
10 After we finish supper,we'll have a game of cards.

1 I'm seeing John tomorrow evening.
2 They're arriving at 10.30.
3 We are going on holiday soon.
4 They aren't having a holiday this year.
5 She is having dinner out later.

1 I've lost my car key.
2 My uncle's car has been stolen.
3 We must stop at the village post office.
4 He always sends us birthday cards.
5 My mother is washing my sisters'jeans.
6 My father's computer is just like that one.
7 They bought me a very expensive Christmas present.
8 I'm not allowed to use my brother's CD player.
9 I'd like to visit the old village church.
10 People always deliver things to their back door.
11 I've never been to a fortune-teller.
12 Madam Bellinsky's tent was red.
第1个回答  2010-08-15



第2个回答  2010-08-14

练习答案 Key to written exercises
A is coming (1. 4); will be arriving (1. 4); The moment you leave…will get (11.5-6); will rush (11.6-7); will speak (1.7); will lead (1.7); will be here (1.10)
C is setting out/will set out; will send; receive; receive; will try; locate; will fire; will carry; will pour; will be sent
1 Our school dining room 2 ghost story
3 birthday present 4 the village inn
5 The party leader 6 the front door key
7 Christmas card 8 garden gate
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 c 6 b
7 a 8 b 9 a 10 c 11 a 12 d
第3个回答  2013-03-08
第4个回答  2012-09-08