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Abalos pleads not guilty
BENJAMIN S. Abalos, Sr., former election commission chairman, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to graft charges filed against him at the Sandiganbayan over his alleged involvement in the National Broadband Network (NBN) scandal.

Mr. Abalos has been linked to the allegedly overpriced $329-million deal with Chinese firm Zhong Xing Telecommunications Equipment Co. Ltd., or ZTE Corp., that had been forged under the Arroyo administration. The project was canceled.

“I am confident that I will win the case,” Mr. Abalos said in an interview after the arraignment at the anti-graft court’s fifth division.

“Charges against Mr. Abalos came from a disgruntled and disqualified Joey de Venecia. This is a brainless and non-cerebral case. de Venecia has no evidence,” Salvador S. Panelo, lawyer of Mr. Abalos, told reporters.

Jose P. de Venecia III, son of former House Speaker Jose C. de Venecia, Jr., was the whistle-blower in the scandal. His company, Amsterdam Holdings, Inc., lost in the bidding for the project.

For his part, Mr. de Venecia said in an interview after the arraignment at the Sandiganbayan in Quezon City: "I am looking forward to the conclusion of the case. I am happy with its progress and I am confident that Abalos and [former Socioeconomic Planning secretary Romulo L.] Neri will be imprisoned."

Mr. Neri, who had reviewed the project as socioeconomic planning secretary, pleaded not guilty to the same charges last July 16. In a Senate hearing on Sept. 26, 2007, Mr. Neri testified on a supposed bribe offered by Mr. Abalos to approve the project at the Wack Wack Golf Club in Mandaluyong City.

Mr. Abalos resigned as chairman of the Commission on Elections on Oct. 1, 2007. -- Noemi M Gonzales

Abalos pleads not guilty
BENJAMIN S. Abalos, Sr., former election commission chairman, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to graft charges filed against him at the Sandiganbayan over his alleged involvement in the National Broadband Network (NBN) scandal.

Mr. Abalos has been linked to the allegedly overpriced $329-million deal with Chinese firm Zhong Xing Telecommunications Equipment Co. Ltd., or ZTE Corp., that had been forged under the Arroyo administration. The project was canceled

“I am confident that I will win the case,” Mr. Abalos said in an interview after the arraignment at the anti-graft court’s fifth division.

“Charges against Mr. Abalos came from a disgruntled and disqualified Joey de Venecia. This is a brainless and non-cerebral case. de Venecia has no evidence,” Salvador S. Panelo, lawyer of Mr. Abalos, told reporters.
对阿瓦罗斯的控诉是由Joey de Venecia提起的,此人毫无资格让人讨厌的。这是一桩没有理由的案子。Joey de Venecia没有任何证据,阿瓦罗斯的的律师Salvador S. Panelo说道。

Jose P. de Venecia III, son of former House Speaker Jose C. de Venecia, Jr., was the whistle-blower in the scandal. His company, Amsterdam Holdings, Inc., lost in the bidding for the project.
众院议长Jose C. de Venecia, Jr的儿子Jose P. de Venecia III是这件丑闻的揭发者。他的公司Amsterdam Holdings, Inc没有中这次项目的标。

For his part, Mr. de Venecia said in an interview after the arraignment at the Sandiganbayan in Quezon City: "I am looking forward to the conclusion of the case. I am happy with its progress and I am confident that Abalos and [former Socioeconomic Planning secretary Romulo L.] Neri will be imprisoned
提审后在奎松市的桑迪甘巴彦de Venecia 先生说道,我很期待案件的结果,也非常高兴看到案件的审理过程,我确信阿瓦罗斯及前任社会学规划秘书会入狱服刑。

不好意思没时间了 ,翻译的很粗糙,但意思应该是这样
第1个回答  2010-08-12
Abalos 辩护不是有罪
班杰民 S. Abalos,Sr。, 前选委会主席, 辩护不是有罪在星期二接枝在他的参与案上的 Sandiganbayan 被申请对抗他国立宽频网络 (NBN) 丑闻的费用。

Abalos 先生已经与据说定价过高的 $329 相连-百万处理中国公司 中兴电传视讯设备公司公司, 或 ZTE 公司,那被在阿若育政府之下伪造。 计画被取消。

"我是自信的我将会赢得情形 , " Abalos 先生在反接枝的提讯后的一次面谈中说法院的第五个区分。

"反对 Abalos 先生的费用来自一使不高兴而且使乔伊 de Venecia 丧失资格。 这是一个无头脑和非脑的情形。 de Venecia 没有证据," 萨尔瓦多 S. Panelo,Abalos 先生的律师, 告诉记者。

Jose P。 de Venecia 3,前众议院发言人 Jose C 的儿子。 de Venecia,二世, 是丑闻的吹嘘者。 他的公司、阿姆斯特丹把持,公司, 为计画在竞标遗失。

对于他的部份, de Venecia先生 在奎松城市的 Sandiganbayan 的提讯后的一次面谈中说: "我盼望情形的结论。 我对它的进步感到满意,而且我是自信的那一 Abalos 和 [前社会计划秘书 Romulo L。] Neri 将会被下狱。"
Neri 先生,检讨作为社会计划秘书的计画, 辩护不是有罪对相同的费用去年七月 16. 在叁议院听证会中,在 2007 年九月 26 日, Neri 先生在被推想的贿赂上证明了从 Abalos 先生得到在 Mandaluyong 城市的古怪人古怪的人高尔夫球俱乐部赞同计画。

Abalos 先生在 2007 年十月 1 日选举的委员会辞去主席的职位了。 -- Noemi M Gonzales
第2个回答  2010-08-12
本杰明·s . Abalos,Sr.前选举委员会主席,为自己申请了无罪辩护,星期二对他的指控,移植的Sandiganbayan在他被控参与国家宽带网络(NBN)的丑闻。


“我相信会赢,”在接受采访时说:Abalos they后在反腐败法庭传讯的第五次分区。

“控告先生Abalos来自不满和取消Venecia乔伊·。这是一个无知和non-cerebral没有证据Venecia又在谎话连篇·s . Panelo萨尔瓦多,”律师的Abalos,they告诉记者。



曾先生。内里的项目,如社会规划了秘书,不服罪,同样的罪名,去年7月16岁。在国会听证会上,2007年9月26日,在一个假定先生。内里所提供Abalos受贿批准项目they在高尔夫俱乐部里Mandaluyong Wack Wack城市。
