

1. Satisfied English Pronunciation: [ˈsætɪsfaɪd]
Chinese Meaning: adj. 满意的;满足的
Example: I am satisfied with the service provided.
I am satisfied with the service that was provided.
2. Satisfactory English Pronunciation: [ˌsætɪsˈfæktəri]
Chinese Meaning: adj. 令人满意的;合适的;足够的
Example: The quality of the product is satisfactory.
3. Content English Pronunciation: [ˈkɒntent]
Chinese Meaning: adj. 满意的;满足的
Example: She seems content with her life.
4. Happy English Pronunciation: [ˈhæpi]
Chinese Meaning: adj. 快乐的;幸福的
Example: Seeing their children happy makes parents feel satisfied.
5. Pleasant English Pronunciation: [ˈplezənt]
Chinese Meaning: adj. 愉快的;宜人的
Example: The weather for the picnic was pleasant.
6. Righteous English Pronunciation: [ˈraɪtʃəst]
Chinese Meaning: adj. 正义的;正直的
Example: He has a righteous indignation about the injustice.
7. Better English Pronunciation: [ˈbetər]
Chinese Meaning: adj. 更好的;更优良的
Example: The new version of the software is better than the old one.
8. Best English Pronunciation: [best]
Chinese Meaning: adj. 最好的;最优良的
Example: She is the best student in the class.
9. Fairly Good English Pronunciation: [ˈfɛəli ɡʊd]
Chinese Meaning: adv. 相当好地;还可以
Example: The performance was fairly good considering it was their first time on stage.