



As time goes by, from babbling to carrying a schoolbag to going to school, Gong leiru, as a father, is deeply moved. Recalling more than ten years of parenting experience, he deeply felt the importance of setting lofty goals with children, establishing correct outlook on life and values, and educating children through equal communication, understanding and communication, imperceptibly influencing and teaching by example.


Parents should start by themselves, pay attention to teaching by example, educate children from childhood to respect the old and love the young, respect teachers and love the school, unite students, regulate their daily behavior and conduct moral education.


The family should create a favorable learning environment for children. When children study, we try not to watch TV, play cards, drink, chat, so as not to distract his attention. The family should maintain a studious atmosphere, read more books, read more newspapers and so on, so that the children can be influenced.


Deeply influenced by his father, Gong Haoxin loves reading. In his spare time, he always keeps a book in his spare time. No matter it's literary magazines or biographies in foreign languages, he devotes himself to reading, understanding and learning.


Close to Zhu Zechi, close to ink is black, that is, the decisive influence of environment on people. Many educational experts believe that the environment is very important for one's healthy growth!


It can be said that: a good family environment is the golden key for children to form correct ideas and behavior standards and excellent personality charm. Therefore, it can be inferred that the growth environment created by the family has a great impact on children's education, and even affect their life's fate.


第1个回答  2021-08-11



The Process of growing up is very complex for children. Among countless factors that influence children's growth, the behavior of adults plays a significant role in shaping children'sinclination and character. 


After the baby is born, the first and the nearest adults are his/herparents. The little baby has started to learn from their parents by observing and copying theadults' talk. This learning environment is important for the babies.


There is a special case reported by the press. A baby was abandoned when she was born. Asow fed her as a piglet.


 When she was about eight years old, some villagers found her, herintelligence was just similar to the two-year old baby and all of her behaviors looked likea pig. From this case, we know child is a "mirror" which will reflect the behavior of theclosest adults.


Children are like young trees, they need to be carefully irrigated, fertilized and trimmed.Adults' behavior will be greatly helpful to shape them into useful talents.


Behavior is a direct and convincing method to teach children. Things are easier said thandone. Parents always tell children those principles repeatedly, but most children can not acceptit through these boring method. 


Adults' behavior is the most effective education method to letthem observe the whole process of how to deal with the problems.


第2个回答  2010-07-29
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