

In 1842, Newfoundland local government for the people who hunt these animals for scholarships. 1911年,它们成为北美洲灰狼许多亚种中第一个灭绝的亚种。 In 1911, they became in many subspecies of gray wolf in North America the first extinct subspecies. 冬天长的白毛容易伪装。 Long white winter camouflage easily.

泰坦尼克号建成下水的这一年,英国人在纽芬兰岛上枪杀了最后一只白狼。 Titanic into the water this year, the British island of Newfoundland White Wolf shot the last one.

纽芬兰的冬季漫长,厚厚的冰雪覆盖了整个荒原。 Newfoundland winter long, thick snow covers the entire wilderness. 夜色中,一个白色的影子像风一样掠过,在冰雪把月光折射成碎片的那一瞬,陡然消失――有人把白狼美丽的白毛和柔美的身段加以诗意的想象,称它为“梦幻之狼”。 In the darkness, the shadow of the wind passing over a white, snow and ice to the moon reflected in the pieces of that moment, suddenly disappeared - it was the White Wolf beautiful white and gentle movements, to the poetic imagination, calls it "dream Wolf. "

这些长达两米,重逾70公斤,令人望而生畏的巨狼,总是成双成对厮守,终身相亲相爱。 These two meters long and weighing over 70 kg, the Ju Lang daunting, always paired together for life-long love each other.

春夏之季,是它们的繁殖季节,它们把生儿育女的洞穴挖在荒山的裂缝下面,然后在夜色中行走200公里去寻找食物。 Spring and summer season, is their breeding season, their giving birth to the cave in the hills digging the following cracks, and then walk 200 km in the darkness of night to find food. 令人惊讶的是,总被人形容成凶恶残暴的狼,却与纽芬兰的土著贝奥图克人和谐共处,千百年来,他们互不敌视,互不干预。 Surprisingly, the total was described as ferocious brutal wolf, but with Newfoundland's indigenous Beiaotuke people live in harmony for thousands of years, they are not mutually hostile, and do not interfere. 于是,纽芬兰白狼又被人称作“贝奥图克狼”。 As a result, Newfoundland White Wolf has been called "Beiaotuke wolf." 显然,在瑞典著名生物学家埃列克·齐门深入狼群之前,贝奥图克人就已经知晓,狼、大自然和人,其实有着良好的协作关系。 Clearly, the famous Swedish biologist Elek Zimen wolves in depth before, Beiaotuke people already know, the wolf, nature and people, in fact, have a good collaborative relationship.

可是英国人却不这么想,那个时代的英国人,满脑子都是屠杀、占领,甚至灭绝。 But the British did not think so, that the British era, full of mind are the massacres, occupation, or even extinction.

1498年的那个黄昏,当小船接近纽芬兰岛时,探险家卡伯特明显地觉得船被什么东西阻碍了,船速慢了下来。 1498's that evening, when the boat close to Newfoundland, the explorer Cabot obviously something that the ship was prevented, speed of slow down. 是鳟鱼,多得数不清的鳟鱼。 Is trout, trout are countless.

纽芬兰的贝奥图克人,完全不理解英国人在他们的土地上插上一面旗帜意味着什么。 Newfoundland Beiaotuke people do not understand the British planted their flag on the land what it means. 他们热情地拿出海狸皮、水獭皮欢迎着白人们的接踵而至。 They enthusiastically took out beaver, otter welcome the white people followed. 当欧洲渔民们在纽芬兰的海岸上搭起一排排棚屋,晒鱼干、炼鱼油,打算安居乐业时,他们开始抓捕好客的贝奥图克人,当做自己的奴隶。 When European fishermen on the coast of Newfoundland, erected in rows of huts, sun dried fish, fish oil refining, intends to live and work, they began to arrest the Beiaotuke hospitable people, as their slaves. 贝奥图克人只得逃离丰饶的渔场,躲进森林,以采集为生。 Beiaotuke were fertile fishing grounds had to flee, hide in the forest to collect a living.

宣布占领了纽芬兰的英国人,继而颁布法令:杀死一个贝奥图克人,就可以得到若干领地、牲畜和金钱。 Announced that the British occupation of Newfoundland, and then decreed: to kill a Beiaotuke people can get a number of territories, livestock and money. 这是他们一贯的政策。 This is their usual policy.

1800年,贝奥图克人消失了。 1800, Beiaotuke people disappeared. 接着,英国人又把目光投向了“贝奥图克狼”。 Then, the British again turn their attention to "Beiaotuke wolf." 他们再次颁布法令:杀死一头白狼,赏5英镑。 They issued another decree: to kill a White Wolf, tours �0�5 5. 白狼聪明坚韧,昼伏夜出,一日可行200公里,茫茫冰雪完全掩盖了它的行踪,猎杀颇为不易。 White Wolf smart tough, day out at night, on the 1st possible 200 km, the vast ice and snow completely cover its tracks, killing quite difficult. 聪明的英国人采取了一种极为简易的方法,他们在死鹿的身上注射了一种名为“马钱子碱”的可怕毒药。 Smart Englishman to take an extremely simple way, they are injected with a dead deer in the body called "strychnine" terrible poison. 于是大狼、小狼,以及这条生物链上的其他动物,成批地死去。 So big wolf, wolf, and this food chain to other animals die in droves.

1911年,大自然的杰作纽芬兰白狼,悄无声息地灭绝了。 1911, Nature's masterpiece Newfoundland White Wolf, quietly extinct. 而此时,几乎所有的英国人都在为人类的杰作泰坦尼克号的下水而欢呼。 At this time, almost all the British are a masterpiece of humanity cheered the launching of Titanic.

最大、最先进、最豪华――上等的柚木和黄铜装饰,吊灯和壁画,印度和波斯的地毯,精美的浮雕以及数目惊人的艺术珍品……在许多细节上模仿了凡尔赛宫的泰坦尼克号,被人们视为工业时代的象征。 The largest, most advanced, most luxurious - the finest teak and brass decorations, chandeliers and murals, India and Persian carpets, exquisite relief, and an alarming number of artistic treasures ... ... in many of the details on Titan imitation of the Versailles Palace Nick number, be seen as a symbol of the industrial age. 这时候的西方世界,充满了自信与霸道,他们认为,没有什么是不可以征服的,包括自然。 At this time the Western world, full of confidence and overbearing, they think, not what is not conquest, including natural. 他们傲慢地宣称,这是一艘“永不沉没的轮船”。 They arrogantly claim that this is an "unsinkable ship."

1912年4月15日,泰坦尼克号在纽芬兰附近撞上冰山,1500余人随之沉入海底。 April 15, 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg near Newfoundland, followed more than 1,500 people sank. 当历史上最大的一次海难发生后,悲伤的人们才明白,人类,并不是自然的主宰。 When one of history's greatest maritime disaster occurred, sad people only understand that human beings are not masters of nature.

在纽芬兰附近的大洋深处,岁月的淤泥缓慢地掩埋着泰坦尼克号的残骸,就像在掩埋一个永远无法愈合的伤口。 In the deep ocean near Newfoundland, years of silt slowly Titanic's wreckage buried, as in burying a never healing wound. 那岁月的风雨,又怎能吹去贝奥图克人的啜泣和白狼的哀号? That years of wind and rain, how can we blow it away Beiaotuke people weep and wail White Wolf?