
假如你叫李华,你的美国网友peter打篮球时意外受伤,请你用英文给染发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括:1询问病情,,,2介绍一下你近期学习活动及学习情况,,,,3表达祝愿 要求 80-100词,不能出现真实姓名,开头已给出,,,,开头:Dear peter
how‘s it going?I’m sorry to hear that.


拜托了 30分啊 麻烦看清要求
速度 急需啊 明天要交的

Dear peter,
How's it going? I'm sorry to hear that you are accidently injured in playing basketball some days ago.
Wonderfully, since hearing you, My studying is to get progressing more than before, especially on the English. Not only my hard may these achieves attribute to, but your helping also.
What's more, anyhow, it seemed to me is of importance that take yourself care good and restore as quick as possible.
So much I am longing to sound you any messages in recuperating period through call, letter or any way you can gain.
your sincerely
Li hua
第1个回答  2014-01-27
Dear Peter ,
I'm sorry to hear that you've got hurt . I was studying Chinese Delicious Food Culture when I heard of the saddening news. How are you for now ? Well , I'd like to invite you to be my guest in our party on this summer vacation if it's convenient for you . I knew you're great interested in Chinese culture , especially in Food Culture , so , do I have the honour of seeing you in our party ? Hope you'll be better as soon as possible .
Yours Sincerely.
第2个回答  2014-01-27
Dear Peter

How's it going? I'm sorry to hear that you were injured while playing basketball the other day and hope it's a light injury that you can recover from soon. Also, don't fall behind in your studies or else it'll be difficult to catch up. I have an AP calculus test and psychology exam coming up in two days so things are extremely hectic. You won't believe how many tests teachers give us and there's homework to worry about too. Anyway, I hope you get better soon and that your injury doesn't interfere with your studies.

第3个回答  2014-01-27