

第1个回答  2022-10-02

《English with Lucy》的Lucy分享了7个提升英文听力的方法,还分享了语音学的技巧。除了让我们对外国了解更多,也能增加一项技能(英文听力),赶快学起来,提升自己的英文听力吧!

1. Variety 多样化

You are going to meet people from all over the world with all different accents, and you’re going to need to understand them. 你必须认识世界各地的人,还有他们的口音,

2. How much time do you actually dedicate to practicing and improving your listening?

Practice makes perfect. 孰能生巧

It takes time and dedication, and it’s called a skill because for a reason is something that you have to develop. 英文需要时间和付出,它被称为技能也是有原因的,你必须要培养英文。

3. Resources 资源

Watching TV programs or movies in English, it’s great. But I think you can take a step further. 看英文字幕的电视、电影,这很棒,但我认为你还可以再进阶。

What I remend you to do to take your listening to the next level is watch each program or movie ice. It’s probably more achievable with programs, short ones. 我建议你提升英文的方法,就是每天看节目两次。或许时间短的节目比较容易达成。 Lucy也推荐影集Friends(美式英语American English)或是BBC频道的news

I want you to watch it first with no subtitles, see how much you can understand. 我要你第一遍不看字幕,看你能了解多少。

4. Audio books 有声书

Pick a book that is interesting and relevant to you. 选一本和你相关,或有趣的书

Judge it by your level, if you are quite a low-level, choose a children’s book. For more intermediate maybe go something like teenagers, and if you are advanced, obviously go for something aimed to *** s or maybe has a lot of technical language.


Lucy也推荐了有声书最好的网站,就是 Audible

If you click the link in the description box, you can get a free audio book and a 30-day trial. 如果你点网站中的说明连结join now,你就能获得一本免费有声书和30天试用。

5. Multi task 多元化练习

Unlike reading or watching TV, listening is something you can do whilst you do something else. 有别于阅读和看电视,听力是你可以在做别的事情中做的事。

6. Do not translate 别翻译!

Something I always say on my students is their fluency over accuracy. 我常常告诉我的学生,说得流利比说的精确来的重要。

7. Learn speech patterns 学习说话模式

English is not a phoic language and we don’t always follow our own pronunciation rules. 英语不是靠听语音就能学好的,我们也不是一直照着发音规则来说话。

Lucy建议学学 Homophones 同音异义字,来增加自己的字汇量

举例:Bare ( *** 的) 跟Bear (熊)

此外,她还提到Minimal pairs 最小对立体,也就是母音不同的两个几乎相近单字。

例如:Ship /ʃɪp/ 船(短音)跟Sheep /ʃiːp/ 羊(长音) ,因为音标的i是长音,而ɪ是短音。

Weak forms 弱形式 ,相较之下就有Strong forms 强形式

At Weak forms /ət/ Strong forms /æt/

Schwa /ʃwɑː/ 也就是音标ə

Lucy也解释,如果在对话中,I’ll meet you at three o’clock. 她会用Weak forms。

Reduction 减字


Contractions 缩略

I will -> I’ll I am -> I’m She would -> she’d


如何增进英文听说能力, 听力技巧, 英文听力, 英文听力 怎么练, 英文听力 怎么训练, 英文听力 秘诀, 英文听力 训练, 英文听力 训练技巧, 英文听力 训练方法, 英文听力 高分秘诀, 英文听力技巧, 英文听力练习
