小学生英语获奖感言 大家帮忙翻译一下 急,好的加分!小学生英语获奖感言 大家帮忙翻译一下 急,好的加分

2010年8月20日,今天很高兴能站在这里,代表XX团体发表获奖感言,我的心情非常激动。 我要感谢我的父母,感谢我的学校和辛勤耕耘的老师们,我还要感谢每天与我一起学习一起成长的同学们,朋友们,给我许多的帮助与鼓励;忠心地感谢你们!我会继续努力下去!

"Today, I am very proud/ to come up here/ to say a few words,/ on behalf of XX Association (Club?) /which won the award ( xx prize?)./

I am very excited./ Indeed,/ every member of our Association (Club?) /is also very excited./

I take this opportunity/ to thank my parents,/ for their guidance; /thank my school/ and all the teachers/ who work so hard for our education./

Of course,/ I won't forget/ to say a BIG THANK YOU/ to my classmates and friends /who study and grow together with me here,/ and gave a lot of inspirations and help.

I sincerely thank everyone of you./ I shall work harder/ --for myself,/ for my parents, /for the school,/ and for our beloved country." /

(1) 该 " / " 符号是建议演讲时可以<暂停>的地方.
(2) "indeed" =的确; inspiration = 鼓舞 ( 发音: ins-pi-rey-省...)
(3) "beloved" = 发音是 " be-lov-ved " (三音节) [心爱(的国家)]
第1个回答  2010-08-20
20th of August, 2010. Today, I'm so happy to stand here on behalf of XX to give a speech. I'm very excited. I want to say thank you to my parents, my school, and my hard-working teachers. Also, I want to thank my classmates and friends who gave me a lot of help and courage. Deeply thank all of you! I will continue to work hard!