关系代词性连接词引导名词从句 麻烦详解 谢谢



一、 四种类型的名词从句
1. that从句:陈述已知的事实
2. wh-型从句:提出具体问题
3. if/whether从句:提出或然问题
4. 关系代词型从句:陈述连接词所指代事实

二、 关系代词性名词从句

1. 此类从句意思上包括一个先行词和关系代词which/that,相当于汉语的名词短语结构“所...的”,如“所思考的(问题)、所思念的(人)、所见到的(情况)”。

a) 由what、where、when指代的事实。

-- What = something that,如:

It is true that what he did surprised his mother. 他的所作所为确实让他母亲感到惊讶。(主语从句)
= It is true that (something that) he did surprised his mother
Listen to what I tell you. 请听我(所)说(的)(宾语从句)
= Listen to (all that) I tell you.

-- Where = somewhere at/on/in which,如:

Go and get your coat. It is where you left it. 去拿你的衣服吧,就是你(所)丢失衣服的那个地方。(表语从句)
= It is (the place at which) you left it
This is where I was born. 这就是我(所)出生的地方。(表语从句)
= This is (the place at which) I was born.

-- When = sometime at/on/in which

It was when motorcars were rare. 那是汽车很罕见的时代。(表语从句)
= It was (the time at which) motorcars were rare
We came a week ago, since when the weather has been bad. 我们一星期前来到这里, 从那时起天气一直不好。(介词宾语从句)
= since (the week in which) the weather has been bad

b) 由whatever,whichever、whoever指代的事实

-- Whatever = Everything/anything that:

Do whatever you please. 你喜欢做什么就做什么。(宾语从句)
= Do (anything that) you please.
Whatever is left over is yours. 剩下来的所有的都是你的。(主语从句)
= (Everything that) is left over is yours.

-- Whichever = Everyone/anyone that:

Take whichever you like. 随你拿哪一个。(宾语从句)
= Take (anyone that) you like
Take whichever seat you like. 你喜欢哪一个座位, 就选哪一个。(宾语从句)
= Take (any) seat (that) you like

-- Whoever = Everyone/anybody who:

Whoever comes will be welcomed. 无论谁来都会受到欢迎。(主语从句)
= (Anybody who) comes will be welcomed
Do you think whoever could do such a thing? 你认为谁会做这样的事情呢?(宾语从句)
= Do you think (anybody who) could do such a thing?

2. 关系代词性连接代词一方面用来引导名词从句,一方面在从句中充当某个句子成分。
a) What、whatevet、whichever和who(m)ever 充当主语或宾语,如:

* 用作主语
Whatever is left over is yours.
Whoever comes will be welcomed.

* 用作宾语
Take whichever seat you like.
What he did surprised his mother.

b) When和where用作状语
This is where I was born. 地点状语
It was when motorcars were rare. 时间状语