

contrast verb两种发音都对[韦氏]重音在后[牛津、剑桥]美音时的doing形式重音在前面[朗文]

if two things contrast, the difference between them is very easy to see and is sometimes surprising【vi】

The snow was icy and white, contrasting with the brilliant blue sky.[前]

contrast sharply/strikingly with something (=be extremely different from something) These results contrast sharply with other medical tests carried out in Australia.[后]

to compare two things, ideas, people etc to show how different they are from each other【vt】

contrast something with something 

In another passage, Melville again contrasts the land with the sea. [后]

an essay comparing and contrasting (=showing how two things are similar and different) Verdi and Wagner and their operas [前]

compare and contrast      bring and receive into / perceived as no one in the family could the enormity of the misfortune / in the light of experience【这句话是我不明白】

vt. to set off in contrast: compare or appraise in respect to differences <contrast European and American manners>—often used with to or with <contrasting her with other women—Victoria Sackville-West>

vi. to form a contrast

Her black dress and the white background contrast sharply. 

We compared and contrasted the two characters of the story. 

contrast verb \kən-'trast, 'kän-,\ contrastable\-'tras-tə-bəl, -,tras\ contrastingly\-tiŋ-lE\


contract(2a & vi 1 usually ˈkän,trakt others usually kən-')<--不明白"&"的含义


[后]1a: to bring on oneself especially inadvertently: incur<contracting debts>

[后]b: to become affected with <contract pneumoia>肺炎/njuːˈməʊniə/

[前]2a: to establish or undertake by contract<contract a job> 

[qian?]b: betroth; also : to establish (a marriage) formally   ////订婚,许配(betroth)

[qian?]c(1): to hire by contract <contract a lawyer> (2): to purchase (as goods or services) on a contract basis—often used with out

[后]3a: limit, restrict <contract the scope of their activities>...的范围 

[后]b: knit, wrinkle <frown contracted his bow>

[后]c: to draw together : concentrate

[后]4: to reduce to smaller size by or as if by squeezing or forcing together <contract a muscle>

[后]5: to shorten (as a word) by omitting one or more sounds or letters


[前]1: to make a contract

[后]2: to draw together so as to become diminished in size <metal contracts on cooling>; also : to become less in compass, duration, or length <muscle contracts in tetanus>破伤风;强直

inadvertently无意地; 不经意地 :We had inadvertently left without paying the bill. 我们无意之中未付账就离开了。

incur    if you incur sth unpleasant, you are in a situation in which you have to deal with it : She had incurred the wrath of her father by marrying without his consent. 她未经父亲同意就结婚,使父亲震怒。        引致,带来(成本、花费等)if you incur costs, you have to pay them : You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft limit. 如果超出了透支限额,就有被银行加收费用的风险。        招致;带来;遭受If you incur something unpleasant, it happens to you because of something you have done : The government had also incurred huge debts...政府也已负债累累。

 In the 1980s, the economy contracted and many small businesses failed. 

A failure to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage will render that marriage void. 

These issues were outside the scope of the article. 这些问题不属本文论述范围

diminish verb 减少; (使)减弱; 贬低    

The world's resources are rapidly diminishing. 世界资源正在迅速减少。I don't wish to diminish the importance of their contribution. 我并不想贬低他们所作贡献的重要性。


N-COUNT 界限;范围 If something is within the compass of something or someone, it is within their limits or abilities.     Within the compass of a normal sized book such a comprehensive survey was not practicable. 在通常一本书的篇幅中要作如此全面的调查不太实际。

第1个回答  2019-06-20

动词contrast美音发音 两种 都可以的。哈哈!



第2个回答  2019-06-24
可能你的记忆有偏差。我查了一下词典,contrast的美式发音应该是 [ˈkɑːntræst , kənˈtræst],所以你列举的两个音都是美式的。英式发音是 [ˈkɒntrɑːst , kənˈtrɑːst]。追问

