

虚拟语气是英语中一种特殊的表达方式,它用于描绘非现实情境或愿望,其语法结构灵活多变。最常与 if 引导的条件句结合,呈现出五种基本形式:

    纯条件句:if + 一般现在时,主句则采用将来时态,如:If I were to win the lottery, I'd travel the world.
    与现在相反:if + 一般过去时,主句则用虚拟语气,如:If you had studied harder, you'd be doing better now.
    与过去相反:if + 过去完成时,主句用 would/could + have + 过去分词,如:If I had known the truth earlier, I wouldn't be in this situation.
    与将来相反:if + should + 动词原形,区分可能性和必然性,如:If it should rain tomorrow, I'll stay indoors.
    与真理相反:if + were to + 动词原形,如:If I were to have a superpower, it'd be time travel.

省略 if 的结构常见,如:Had I known, I'd have warned you earlier. 或者 Should he fail, it'd be his own fault.


    had, should, were 可置于主语前表示假设,如:Were you in my shoes, you'd understand.
    if 引导的从句可用其他连词替换,如:I'll go to the party if invited, or else I'll stay home.
    as if 引导的状语从句随语境调整时态,如:He acts as if he's been there before, but in reality, he's a newcomer.
    在wish后的宾语从句中,愿望可能无法实现,如:I wish I could fly like a bird, but alas, it's just a dream.

