

1. 打开,发动:turn on sth
例子:Would you please turn the TV on? 能不能帮我把电视打开?
2. 关闭,关掉:turn off sth
与turn on sth用法一样。
3. 开大(音量、灯光明暗、煤气大小等):turn up sth
例1:Turn the radio up please, I can't hear it clearly.
例2:We settled to meet at 7:30 at the cinema, but he didn't turn up.
4. 关小,调低:turn down sth
例1:So we have to turn down the other a little bit.
例2:How can you turn down such a poor little girl?
5. 解雇,避开,打发,转过脸:turn sb/sth away
例1:Some refugees were turned away. There were too many hungry mouths to feed already.
例2:The nursing school is forced to turn away some good teachers.
6. 不理睬:turn one's back on
例:He turned his back on me, no matter how hard I was crying.
7. 进入,使变成,使成为:turn into
例1:The reactants are going to turn into products.
例2:How did you turn into such an unreasonable person!
8. 转身进入,拐入,交出,举报,上床睡觉:turn in
例1:Did you really turn in the Captain?
例2:The exam is finished, please turn your papers in.
turn oneself in 自首
9. 对…采取敌对态度,反对,背叛:turn against
例1:Do you want me to turn against my own brother?
例2:Why did they suddenly turn against you?
10. 依次,轮流:take turns
例:Let's take turns fill the bottles with water.
11. 折回,往回走:turn back
例:Suddenly, he turned back running to me.
12. 运转,翻过来,仔细考虑,移交:turn sth over
例1:It is a chance to turn over a new leaf.
例2:It didn't turn out well.
13. 生产,驱逐,翻转,结果是:turn out
例1:It didn't turn out well.
例2:It didn't exactly turn out as I planned.
14. 转机,转变:turn around
例:I saved everybody's life, but he turned around and told everyone that he was the hero.