

1、I've tried so hard and ended up with nothing.
2、Some say it's called rebelliousness, is it?
3、The city lights up at night, and two more people have a tragic ending.
4、Years later, we parted ways and will never see each other again.
5、Loneliness of one person is better than the dullness of two.
6、If you don't like it, why do you have to stay together?
7、No longer the first thought of desperation.
8、How to conceal sadness.
9、The shadow under your feet is my longing for you.
10、I really care about you, but you can't take the truth.
11、I treat you as my life, but you treat me as sick.
12、Delete everything, but can not delete the deepest memory.
13、After you left, shuangmufeilin has a heart in the field.
14、You love her so much that I dare not disturb her. It's funny.
15、Flowers bloom on the street, but they can go back slowly.
16、Why not aim for something good, but to be nice to you.
17、Tie up your heart.
18、I don't want to let go, but I can't hold on to it.
19、Want to hold you, across a rotten screen, aggrieved to die.
20、Like this one, I'm ready to give up.
21、There's no grievance. If you don't feel wronged, you'll die.
22、Know you are a dream, or can't help getting close.
23、Shh, don't disturb him. He's teasing other girls.
24、Fleeting time, waiting for whose mutual help.
25、Don't think I'm still waiting for you, because you're not worth it.
26、The pain makes people want to cry without tears.
27、I embrace the dream of being slapped.
28、In a flash, in a flash, we are so old.
29、You all left, leaving me alone.
30、People can't be reborn after death, and Xiaoqiang can be reborn after death.
31、Know that there is no result, but still insist.
32、In the future, who are you.
33、Those who leave on the way, don't think about it.
34、Miss the wind and rain, will meet the rainbow.
35、There is no destiny, only oneself can not survive.
36、I will remember you and love others.
37、I used to play hard, but now I play hard.
38、Strangle your heart. Forget it.
39、The feeling is no longer strong, so tearing heart and lung.
40、He lied and said that a good white head turned into a good gathering and scattering.
41、But I always thank you for coming to my youth.
42、I miss you in the past, but it has nothing to do with you now.
43、All my life, it's a ridiculous lie.
44、Hold on to your missing, unwilling to die of love.
45、Keep smiling and keep my pride.
46、How long does it last? How far is forever.
47、Love needs courage to be love.
48、You should hold on to my hand and don't miss my future.
49、Is it that I love hard, that's why you want to escape.
50、This year, we were strangers and no longer in touch.
51、Can only be strong to forget, residual left only memories.
52、Laozi is a good thing. I hope you have it too.
53、When feelings develop to different periods, we should be different colleagues.
54、How much care, including how much can not be put down.
55、You are still a hero, but no longer mine.
56、Love is really incredible.
57、You told me even in your dream that you love her very much.
58、Who satirized, who persistent.
59、The world without you, even breathing is repressive.
60、How I wish there was such a person, he would love me as life.