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Zhe Shan Park is located in the center of Wu Hu Province. The scenery there is very beautiful and there are trees, flowers and grass everywhere. A lot of people visit this park everyday, some people go to the gym while others go to the zoo. In addition, I think the best choice for visitors is to climb mountains because we can see really a beautiful sight of entire Wu Hu Province on the top of the mountains

一时半会儿没有时间构思,所以就按照你说的写了 你回去自己在加工一下
第1个回答  2010-11-12
Germick mountain park is located inside the center, overgrown scenery is beautiful, everywhere are trees, flowerpot, the grass. Still, many people in the park zoo, many people are to toughen body, also have a lot of people go climbing. At the top of the hill can see the beautiful scenery of wuhu
The park was very beautiful, everybody likes to play there.
第2个回答  2010-11-18
Zhe Shan Park is located in the center of Wu Hu Province. The scenery there is very beautiful and there are trees, flowers and grass everywhere. A lot of people visit this park everyday, some people go to the gym while others go to the zoo. In addition, I think the best choice for visitors is to climb mountains because we can see really a beautiful sight of entire Wu Hu Province on the top of the mountains
第3个回答  2010-11-18