
2.01 Print a triangle to console
You are asked to develop an 8086 assembly program that reads from console a number N (where 0 < N < 10 ) and prints to console a triangle composed by N rows using “*” chars.
For example, given N = 5 :



• In order to print a “new line” ( the ‘\n’ in C programming Language) you have to print two characters 0x0A ( CR Carriage Return) and 0x0D (LF Line Feed).
• Since through INT21h facility you can get from console only a single char (the ASCII code of the input character is returned), in order to convert it in an integer number (N), you have to perform the subtraction between the input char and the ASCII code of the ‘0’ char. N = ASCII_CODE(input_char) - ASCII_CODE(0).


void paint(){
int nrow,i,j;
printf("Insert a number [1,9] :");
scanf("%d", &nrow);
if(nrow>9)return paint();

2.02 Calculate the sum of both positive and negative elements of an array
You are asked to develop an 8086 assembly program that calculate the sum of both positive and negative elements of a signed integer array.
Both the array and the two result variables (negative_sum_result and positive_sum_result) are stored in memory

2.03 Sort an array
You are asked to develop an 8086 assembly program that performs sorting of a signed integer 10 elements array using bubble-sort algorithm. The array is stored in memory.


void bsort(int v[], int n)
int i, j,temp;

for(i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
for(j = 0; j < n - 1 - i; j++)
if(v[j] > v[j+1])
temp = v[j];
v[j] = v[j+1];
v[j+1] = temp;

2.04 Print a triangle to console (2)
You are asked to develop an 8086 assembly program that reads from console a number N and prints to console a triangle composed by N rows using “*” chars, as in the following diagram.
For terminal console compatibility reasons, you are asked to check that the maximum number of column is 80

How many row for the triangle? = 12


Please note that the number of columns at the triangle base is given by the following :

nCol = nRow * 2 - 1;
大家帮帮忙,题目应该不是很难,主要是英语,大家查一下吧。要的很急,会的同学请于11月20号给我,就是周六。发到我邮箱里,[email protected]。最好全做,如果实在不行,编出来哪道就把哪道发到我邮箱里。跪谢!!!
.MODEL small
string1 db "Insert a number [1,9] : $"
mov dx, offset string1
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov ah, 1
int 21h
sub al,30h ; we need a number and not a char, look ascii code
xor cx,cx ; clean cx
mov cl,al ; set cycle counter
xor bx,bx ; clean bx
mov bx,1
mov dl,0Dh
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov dl,0Ah
mov ah,2
int 21h
cmp cx,0
je finish
cmp cx,9
jg start
push cx
mov cx,bx
mov dl,'*'
mov ah,2
int 21h
loop cycle_rowprint
mov dl,0Dh
mov ah,2
int 21h
mov dl,0Ah
mov ah,2
int 21h
inc bx
pop cx
loop cycle_begin

第1个回答  2010-11-19
6道题才100分啊?? 就先做4道吧,分少、又是在帮人作弊,没激情啊……


.model small
.stack 8192
prompt db 'N=$'

main: mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
assume ds:@data

mov dx,offset prompt
mov ah,9
int 21h

mov ah,8 ;dos call getkey w/o echo
int 21h
cmp al,27 ;escape key for quit
je done

mov dl,al ;save to dl for echo
sub al,'0'
jbe getkey
cmp al,9
ja getkey

push ax
mov ah,2 ;echo keypress
int 21h
call crlf
pop ax

mov si,ax ;save n into si
mov di,1
mov cx,di
mov dl,'*'

lp2: mov ah,2
int 21h
loop lp2

call crlf

inc di
cmp di,si
jna lp1

done: mov ah,4ch
int 21h

crlf proc
mov ah,2
mov dl,13 ;cr
int 21h
mov dl,10 ;lf
int 21h
crlf endp

end main


.model small
.stack 8192
negative_sum_result dd 0
positive_sum_result dd 0
array dw ARRAYSIZE dup (?)

main: mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax

lp: lodsw
mov bx,offset positive_sum_result
cmp ax,0
jg pos
mov bx,offset negative_sum_result
pos: add word ptr [bx],ax
adc word ptr [bx+2],0
loop lp

mov ah,4ch
int 21h

end main

.model small
.stack 8192
array dw 8,3,1,4,6,9,8,0,-1,-3

main: mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
assume ds:@data,es:@data

mov ax,10
push ax
mov ax,offset array
push ax
call bsort
add sp,4

done: mov ah,4ch
int 21h

bsort proc near
v equ word ptr [bp+2]
n equ word ptr [bp+4]
mov bp,sp
mov bx,v
mov cx,n
dec cx

xor si,si ;i*2
add cx,cx

lpi: cmp si,cx
jge bs_done

xor di,di ;j*2
lpj: push cx
sub cx,si
cmp di,cx
pop cx
jge lpi9

mov ax,[bx+di] ;v[j]
cmp ax,[bx+di+2] ;>v[j+1]?
jle lpj9

xchg ax,[bx+di+2] ;swap ax,v[j+1], note at this moment ax=v[j]
mov [bx+di],ax ;v[j]:=v[j+1]

lpj9: inc di
inc di
jmp lpj

lpi9: inc si
inc si
jmp lpi

mov sp,bp
bsort endp

end main

.model small
.stack 8192
prompt db 'How many row for the triangle? = $'
errmsg db 'the number of row should be in range of [1..39].',13,10,10,36
ten db 10
mydata db 3 dup (?)
bksp db 8,' ',8,36

main: mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
assume ds:@data,es:@data

input: mov dx,offset prompt
mov ah,9
int 21h

call getnum
jc done ;enter key pressed on an empty line
or ax,ax
jz err
cmp ax,39
jle draw
err: mov dx,offset errmsg
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp input

draw: mov si,ax ;save n into si
mov di,1

lp1: mov cx,si ;cx=n-row()
sub cx,di ;number of white spaces before the asterisks
jcxz draw2
mov dl,' '
lp11: mov ah,2
int 21h
loop lp11

draw2: mov cx,di
mov dl,'*'
add cx,cx ;cx=row()*2-1, number of asterisks should be printed in the current row
dec cx

lp2: mov ah,2
int 21h
loop lp2

call crlf

inc di
cmp di,si
jna lp1

done: mov ah,4ch
int 21h

crlf proc
mov ah,2
mov dl,13 ;cr
int 21h
mov dl,10 ;lf
int 21h
crlf endp

getnum proc
xor cx,cx
mov di,offset mydata

g_1: mov ah,8
int 21h

cmp al,13
jne g_3

call crlf
jcxz g_2

xor ax,ax
mov si,offset mydata
g_9: mul ten
mov dl,[si]
sub dl,'0'
xor dh,dh
add ax,dx
inc si
loop g_9

g_2: stc

g_3: cmp al,8
jne g_4
jcxz g_1
dec cx
dec di
mov dx,offset bksp ;
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp g_1

g_4: cmp cx,3
jae g_1
cmp al,'0'
jb g_1
cmp al,'9'
ja g_1
mov dl,al
push ax
mov ah,2
int 21h
pop ax
inc cx
jmp g_1
getnum endp
end main