
1 那些为了利益打着民主幌子去推销自己的观点的行为.在你得到了利益的同时,被你推销的国家的人民生活得好吗?

2 对于宗教教义,分不同的派别,激进的/温凉的,没有对错,只是处于的时代不同,一切都是为了利益,利益是永恒的.

3 在你享受剥削别人得到的利益的时候,要有勇气去承担随之而来的痛苦甚至付出生命的代价.


综上,真正的背叛者是那个卧底, 对于那些只能得到享受不能承受失去的懦夫和无知者,只能得到唾弃.

1 那些为了利益打着民主幌子去推销自己的观点的行为.在你得到了利益的同时,被你推销的国家的人民生活得好吗?
1. For those who compaign their own ideas udner the camouflage of democracy, do the their people experience an improvement in their standard of living while they gained their interets?

2. As for the creed of different religious divisions, be it radical or conservative, there is nothing innately right or wrong, but it's the period of time that makes the difference. Interests overide everything. Only interest is the ultimate goal.

3 在你享受剥削别人得到的利益的时候,要有勇气去承担随之而来的痛苦甚至付出生命的代价.
3. When you are exploiting others for your own interest, you should prepared to pay the fiddler that could even be your life.

When people are indignant about the bombing of innocent citizens, think about who offered them the cheap goods and comfortable life.

综上,真正的背叛者是那个卧底, 对于那些只能得到享受不能承受失去的懦夫和无知者,只能得到唾弃.
In a nutshell, the only betrayer is the lurcher. For the coward and ignorant who can only enjoy the luxuries but not take on the loss, they only deserves loathing and disdain.
第1个回答  2010-11-21
第2个回答  2010-11-21
no pass
第3个回答  2010-11-22
1.The behavior of selling your own opinion for interest under a cloak of democracy, You get the interest, in the meantime, do the people of the country that you sell opinion to live well?

2.As for religious doctrines, divided into different factions, the radical/the mild, there is no right or wrong, but being at different times, all for interest, the interest is eternal.

3 When you are enjoying the interest obtained by exploiting others, to have courage to bear the pain that followed and even the cost of living.

When the innocent civilians being bombed makes you rage, think about what do the cheap goods and comfortable lives of their country build on?

In summary, the real traitor is the undercover, for those cowards and ignorants who can only get enjoy but cann't afford lost, could get disdain and reject only.