
听说曼大,KCL等学校替学生担保了英语B2的要求,不需要为签证重考雅思。想看下你们学校发给你们的邮件,我在和我的学校协商b2的问题,对方老师想了解下其他学校的政策以作参考,所以想参考下你们的邮件,然后告诉对方,尽量争取担保B2发cas。非常感谢!!收到担保B2的同学能不能把学校发个你们的邮件转发给我?或者直接回复?谢谢!!邮箱:[email protected]

我的CAS上是:The Unviersity of ... has reviewed this applicants English language capabilities in the context of the new UKBA policy introduced with effect from the end of April 2011. Whilst the applicant has not met the requirements, we are satisfied that as the applicant narrowly missed the minimum UKBA entry requirement and it's not possible for them to resit the test in time for the start of semester,that they should be allowed entry to the UK to particitpate on their cousen course, as the university deems the applicants standard of English to be acceptable for that coures.问过学校学校说是属于自主评估,这样的话我还需要签证的时候递交语言成绩么? 查看原帖>>
