put on it 和put it on有什么区别?怎么区分?为什么有put on your raincoat,又有put on it????


bring back,look up,pick up,point out,put on,take off,take out,take up,think over,try on等,既可后面直接加宾语,如:
He put on his cup.
He put it on.

I put on my shoes.(我穿上了鞋。)
I put them on.(我穿上了它们。)(put on:穿上)

Take off your coat.(脱下你的上衣。)
Take it off.(脱下它。)(take off:脱去)

He turned on the light.(他打开了灯。)
He turned it on.(他打开了它。)(turn on:打开)

She turned off the radio.(她关掉了无线电。)
She turned it off.(她关掉了它。)(turn off:关掉)

Don’t throw away the paper.(别扔掉那纸。)
Don’t throw it away.(别扔掉它。)(throw away:扔掉)

Will you please pick up the nail?(你捡起那钉子好吗?)
Will you please pick it up?(你捡起它好吗?)(pick up:拾起)

Please write down the new words.(请写下这些新单词。)
Please write them down.(请写下它们。)(write down:写下来)

I am going to wake up my brother.(我正在叫醒我的弟弟。)
I am going to wake him up.(我正在叫醒他。)(wake up:叫醒)

Please give back these books to me before Monday.(请在星期一以前把这些书还给我。)
Please give them back to me before Monday.(请在星期一以前把它们还给我。)(give back:还)

He has hung up the picture.(他挂好了这幅画。)
He has hung it up.(他挂好了它。)(hang up:挂起)

Did the peasant hang up the wolf?(那农民吊起了那只狼吗?)
Yes, the peasant hung it up.(是,那农民吊起了它。)

Has he turned off the lights?(他关掉了那些灯吗?)
No, he hasn’t turned them off.(不,他没关掉它们。)

Do you look after your younger sister every day?(你每天照顾你妹妹吗?)
No, I don’t look after her every day.(不,我不每天照顾她。)

Are you going to write down the answers?(你打算写下这些答案吗?)
No, I am not going to write them down.(不,我不打算写下它们。)

Is she going to wake up her husband now?(她打算现在叫醒她丈夫吗?)
No, she is not going to wake him up now.(不,她不打算现在叫醒他。)

Are you looking at the blackboard?(你正在看黑板吗?)
Yes, I am looking at it.(是,我正在看它。)

Has Li Ming handed in his exercise book?(李明已经交了他的练习本吗?)
Yes, he has handed it in.(是,他已经交了它。)

Will you look up this word in the dictionary?(你要在词典中查出这个词吗?)
Yes, I will look it up.(是,我要查出它。)

Is Mr. Green waiting for his wife there?(格林先生正在那里等他的妻子吗?)
No, he is not waiting for her there.(不,他没正在那里等她。)(for不是副词,是介词)

Are you looking for your new pen?(你正在找你的新钢笔吗?)
Yes, I am looking for it.(是,我正在找它。)(for不是副词,是介词)