

可任性挥霍的钱在英语中可以表达为 "disposable income",下面将详细介绍这个词组以及其他相关的表达方式,并提供一些实际运用的例句。

一、Disposable Income

Disposable income 是指一个人或一个家庭可以任意支配和使用的收入,也可以理解为可自由支配的收入。这笔钱不包括必要的生活费用和固定支出,具有较高的灵活性,可以用于购买奢侈品、旅行、娱乐等。

Example: After deducting necessary expenses, she has a significant amount of disposable income that she can spend on luxury items.

二、Extra spending money

"Extra spending money" 是指额外的可支配资金,用于消费和支出。这个词组强调了钱的可用性和用于额外的购买和花费。

Example: He saves most of his income and only uses the extra spending money for vacations and entertainment.

三、Luxury budget

"Luxury budget" 是指专门用于奢侈品购买和消费的预算。这个词组强调了钱的目的和用途,通常用于描述拥有高收入的人士。

Example: With her high-paying job, she has a generous luxury budget to indulge in expensive designer brands.

四、Splurge money

"Splurge money" 是指用于放纵自己、任性挥霍的金钱。这个词组常用于形容人们在特定时期或情况下有意地大肆消费和享受。

Example: She set aside a portion of her monthly income as splurge money, which she can use to treat herself occasionally.

五、Leisure fund

"Leisure fund" 是指用于休闲和娱乐活动的资金。这个词组强调了钱的用途与放松娱乐相关。

Example: He saves a portion of his income for his leisure fund, which he can dip into for activities like dining out and going to concerts.

六、Entertainment allowance

"Entertainment allowance" 是指专门用于娱乐和消遣活动的预算或津贴。这个词组强调了钱在获取娱乐享受方面的作用和用途。

Example: The company provides its employees with an entertainment allowance to encourage work-life balance and enjoyment.

七、Personal indulgence fund

"Personal indulgence fund" 是指个人为满足自己任性挥霍的需求而设立的资金。这个词组强调了钱的用途与个人满足和享受相关。

Example: She has a personal indulgence fund that allows her to splurge on things she desires without feeling guilty.


在英语中,可任性挥霍的钱可以表达为 "disposable income",同时还有其他表达方式,如 "extra spending money"、"luxury budget"、"splurge money"、"leisure fund"、"entertainment allowance" 和 "personal indulgence fund" 等。这些词组强调了钱的可支配性、额外用途和个人满足与享受等方面。根据具体的语境和表达需求,可以选择合适的表达方式。
