
1.He is talks with one of his friend now
2.My mother is cookking.the smell are nice
3.tim are sharpening an pencil
4.Mrs.Richard is taking of his coat
5.That is a fine day. the sun is shineing
6.Sall and Any is looking the picture
7.The children is doing their homeworks
8.the three womans are washing dish
9.I and jill are walking in the park
10.Peoples are coming out the building

1. He is talking with one of his friends now. 他正在同他的一位朋友谈话。is 后加动词ing形式。
2. My mother is cooking.The smell is nice. 我妈妈正在做饭。饭的气味很香。smell是单数。
3.Tim is sharpening an pencil. Tim 正在削铅笔。Tim 是第三人称单数,be动词用is.
4.Mrs.Richard is taking of her coat. Richard 夫人正在取她的外套。 她的用her.
5.That is a fine day. The sun is shining. 那是一个好天气,太阳正在发出光亮。

第1个回答  2010-10-23
he is talking with one of his friend now.他正在和他其中一个朋友说话。
my mother in cooking ,the smelled nice.我的妈妈正在做饭,饭菜闻起来很好。
Tim is sharpening a pencil.蒂姆正在削铅笔。
Richard先生正在脱掉他的外套。Mrs.Richard is taking off his coat.
this is a fine day and the sun is shinning.这是一个好日子,阳光正在闪耀。
第2个回答  2010-10-23
1.He is talking with one of his friend now.他现在正在和他的一个朋友聊天。
2.My mother is cooking.the smell are nice。妈妈正在煮饭,闻起来很香。
3.tim are sharpenning an pencil。 Tim 正在削铅笔。
4.Mrs.Richard is taking off his coat. Richard 夫人正在脱衣服。
5.That is a fine day. the sun is shining 今天是一个好天气。太阳很猛。
6.Sall and Any are looking the picture Sall 和 Any 正在看照片
7.The children are doing their homeworks 孩子们正在做作业
8.the three womans are washing dishes。那三个女人正在洗碗。
9.jill I and are walking in the park Jill 和我正在公园里散步
10.People are coming out the building 人们正从那栋楼走出来
第3个回答  2010-10-23
1.He is talking with one of his friends now.

2.My mother is cooking,it smells nice.

3.Tim is sharpening a pencil.

4.Mrs. Richard is talking of her coat.

5.That is a find day ,the sun is shining.
第4个回答  2010-10-23
talks----talking 他正在和他的朋友说话。
cookking----cooking are----is 妈妈正在做饭,味道很好。
are----is an----a tim正在削铅笔。
of----off R先生正在脱外套。
shineing----shining 这是晴朗的一天,阳光闪耀。