谁有高中英语词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)的PDF版或者word版本呀 急需要啊 3Q


Unit 1
1.disability n. dis+able+ity(名词)
2.disabled adj. dis+able+ed
3.hearing n. hear+ing
4.eyesight n. eye+sight
5.syndrome n. ----- syn+drome跑→跑到一起→综合症
6.lap n. laptop tape
7.ambition n. -- amb- 词根走ambi-词根:双 it=走例如:exit出口
宏观扩展于 ambulance “战时走动医院” ,救护车/it
8.ambitious adj. amb+it(走)-用双腿创造未来
9.dictation n. dict=说 +ate—有说的有写的
10.noisy n. noise+y
11.suitable adj. suit(衣服)+able
12.entry n. 电脑的回车键—enter+y
13.beneficial adj. bene=好+fic(做-office)-做好事+ial
14.in other words
15.clumsy adj. cl-:合并,...
16.bump vi. --- --- ump-突出 b=不,不要碰到
17.outgoing adj. out+going
18.adapt vt. -- - ad+apt能力→有适应
The good thing about children is that they ____very easily to new environments.
A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. apply
20.bench n. 由bank变来,表示银行的大柜台
21.cut out
22.microscope n. micro=微小,+scope(范围, 领域)看很小的东西
23.out of breath bre=(break-)-肺要破
24.absence n. ab+sent(送的变体)+ence—送走了,这个位置就缺人了
25.fellow adj. - -- follow“跟随
26.annoy vt. - --an+根noy(=noise)-制造噪音
27.annoyed adj.
28.annoyance n.
29.all in all
30.firm n.
31.software n. soft+ware(器具)
32.sit around
33.as well as
34.parrot n. -- -------carrot
35.tank n.
36.tortoise n. - -- tort=to twist(卷缠) tort扭→扭曲] 乌龟(乌龟的脚是扭曲的)
37.in many ways
38.psychology n.- --- psych是“心灵、psy=sci,是一个偏旁部首,是“知道”
39.psychologically adv.
40.make fun of
41.encouragement n. en+courage(勇气)+ment—使人有勇气
42.conduct n. con+duct(引导)-引导大家的人或事
43.mainstream n. main(主要)+stream (小溪流-联想:scream冰激凌)
44.fulfilling adj. ful=full+fil=fill(填)-填满了
45.never mind
46.politics n. police---pol=杆子, -研究标杆的学问
47.abolish vt. - -- old与abolish、ab-不 ol-词根:生长
48.abolition n. ab(不)+ol(长)+ition
49.resign vi. & vt. re+sign(签字)-签合同,再签就是辞职合同
50.slavery n. slave=奴隶
51.literature n. liter=letter—有文字的东西
52.companion n. --- pan-词根盘子-一个盘子吃饭的人
53.assistance n. as+sist(兄弟姐妹)+ance—相互支持
54.congratulate vt. con(共)+grat(高兴)+ul+ate—
55.congratulation n.
56.bowling n. –谐音翻译的
57.graduation n. grad=走+uate+ion—人都走了
58.certificate n. - ------cert = certain确定的+i+ fic(做)-ate—
59.all the best
60.architect n. - arch(biref- arch统治)i+tect做→统治〔造房〕的人
arc, arch=bow弓—拿弓的人是打天下的人-tect遮盖—盖
61.adequate adj. ad+equ=相等,ate--与所要求的相等:足够
62.access n. ---ac强调+ cess作为词根是:走入-走入的办法
63.accessible adj. —access+ible—能走过去
have /get /gain/obtain access
have free access to
be accessible to
Students must a good library.
According to a UN report, one third of the world population have no _______ to
clean water and health care.
A. means B. approach C. channel D. access
64.wheelchair n. wheel(轮子)+ chair(椅子)
65.handy adj. hand+y
66.earphone n. ear+phone
67.impair vt. im(不)+pair(双)--不成双了 --
68.row n. ---词根row “排,连接
69.basement n. base(基础) baseball
70.outwards adv. out+wards
71.exit n. ex(出)+it(走)-走出去的地方
72.meet with
73.approval n. ap+prov(prob,prov=test,测试,证明)+al--
74.dignity n. - --dign-值得,高贵
75.profit n. - -- pro+fit做→做很多→做得好→利润
76.italics n. (pl)
77.community n . com(共)+muni(服务)+ity—为大家服务
第1个回答  2015-12-08
第2个回答  2021-07-29


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根据难易程度将大纲词汇分为核心单词及简单单词,并补充认知词,核心单词部分采用乱序编排,单词记忆不再循规蹈矩。 以“词根+联想”记忆法为主,辅以谐音、形近词、组合词等多种记忆方法。

第3个回答  2014-02-05