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Lesson 6 Percy Buttons

Listening comprehension
1 Introduce the story
T:Today we'll listen to a story about a man called Percy Buttons.
2 Understand the situation
T:What do you think is happening in the picture?
3 Listening objective
T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question:Who is Percy Buttons?
4 Play the tape or read the story
5 Answer the question
After the reading, ask the question again:Who is Percy Buttons?
Train students not to shout out the answer. Instead, ask one student, then ask the others to agree or disagree with a show of hands.
Answer:Percy Buttons is a beggar.
6 Intensive reading
Play the tape or read the story again, pausing after every sentence to check the students understand.
Obtain brief explanations to difficulties in the text from the students themselves. Only use Chinese if a confirmatory translation is necessary.
7 Play the tape or read the story again
The students listen only.
8 Repetition (Optional)
Play the tape or read the story again, pausing after every sentence, and ask the students to repeat (a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and (c) individually.
9 Reading aloud
Ask one or two students to read the story aloud.
Comprehension questions
1 Where have you just moved to? (To a house in Bridge Street.)
2 Is yours the only house in the street? (No, it isn't.)
3 What happened yesterday? (A beggar knocked at my door.)
4 What did he ask you for? (A meal and a glass of beer.)
5 Did he pay you for the meal? (No, he didn't.)
6 He didn't pay you for the beer either, did he? (No, he didn't.)
7 What did he do in return for it? (He stood on his head and sang songs.)
8 He ate the food and drank the beer. What did he do then? (Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket.)
9 Who told you about him later? (A neighbour did.) .
10 Is he well-known in Bridge street? (Yes, he is.)
11 What's he called? (Percy Buttons.)
12 Has he called on you before? (No, he hasn't.)
13 How often does he call on the houses in Bridge Street? (Once a month.)
Asking questions:Ask me if…
T:Ask me if I've just moved to a house in Bridge Street.
S:Have you just moved to a house in Bridge Street?
S:Where have you just moved to?
1 I've just moved to a house in Bridge Street. (Where…to) (Who)
2 a beggar knocked at my door yesterday. (Who) (When)
3 he wanted a meal and some beer. (What)
4 he stood on his head and sang songs. (What…do)
5 I gave him a meal. (What)
6 he put a piece of cheese in his pocket. (Where) (What)
Pattern drill
T:a bottle of ink-in the desk
S1:I need some ink.
S2:There's a bottle of ink in the desk.
a bottle of milk/beer-in the fridge
a pot of glue/paint-in the cupboard
a bag of sugar/flour-on the table
a can of petrol/oil-in the garage
S1:You drink a lot of tea, I must say!
S2:I couldn't live without tea. It's my favourite drink.
milk, beer, whisky, water, coffee,
soda, mineral water, iced coffee,
orange juice, tomato juice, Coca-Cola.
T:car-nice radio
S1:I like that car. It has a nice radio.
S2:I like the radio, but not the car!
house-big garden village-old church
room-fine view hotel-good restaurant
flower-nice smell coat-wide collar
park-big lake man-friendly dog
T:a cup-over there
S1:Get me a cup, will you?
S2:The cup over there?
S1:It doesn't matter-just get me a cup!
a vase/a plate-near the window
a tin of meat/a box-on the shelf
a hat/an umbrella-in the bedroom
a comb/a glass-in the bathroom
Tell the story
1 just moved-Bridge Street
2 Yesterday-beggar knocked-door
3 asked-meal-beer
4 In return-stood-sang
5 ate food-drank-beer
6 Then-piece of cheese-pocket-away
7 Later-neighbour-about him
8 Everybody - him - name - Percy Buttons
9 calls - house - street once a - and - asks - meal - glass of beer
Topics for discussion
1 Do you think this story is true? Why/Why not?
2 How did people pay for things long ago, before we had money?
3 Imagine you are very hungry, but have no money for a meal. What would you do?
Key to Summary writing
The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street. A beggar knocked at her door yesterday. He sang songs. The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this. The beggar's name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month.
(53 words)
Key structures:The indefinite and definite articles
a The distinction between countable (unit) and uncountable (mass) nouns must be clearly established since it affects the use of a/an and some. (For the use of any, see KS 30)
I bought a book (one book, unspecified).
I bought some books (an unspecified number).
Books are not very expensive (general statement):
I bought some flour (an unspecified quantity),
Milk is very refreshing (general statement).
Some nouns can be countable or uncountable depending on the sense:
I want to borrow a rubber (= an eraser).
We get rubber (the material) from Malaysia.
b The definite article the (/J+/ before consonants and /J!/ before vowels) is used when the person or thing referred to has already been mentioned, is the only one of its kind in a particular situation, or is explained in the same sentence:
I bought the books (i.e. the ones you asked me to buy).
Put those books on the table (i.e. there is only one table in the room).
Give me the books on the table (i.e. the books which are on the table).
c Articles are not generally used before names of people, streets, towns, countries, etc. (but see KS 30).
Pattern drill
Note these common expressions (a bottle of, etc.) to indicate fairly precise quantities.
You drink a lot of tea. Note a lot of + uncountable (NOT much in affirmative statements).
Icouldn't live without tea. General statement, no article.
It has a nice radio. Just ‘a radio’- not a particular one.
I like the radio. The particular radio I have just mentioned.
Get me a cup, will you? No particular cup.
The cup over there? There is only one cup over there. That one?
… just get me a cup! Any cup will be all right.
Repetition drill
Chorus, group or individual repetition
To elicit negative statements requiring the omission of the article before plural countable nouns and singular uncountable nouns.
T:Listen. Do not speak.
T:I bought a book this moming.
S:Books aren't very expensive.
T:I bought a bottle of milk this morning.
S:Milk isn't very expensive.
T:I bought a pen this morning.
S:Pens aren't very expensive.
T:I bought a bar of chocolate this morning.
S:Chocolate isn't very expensive.

T:Now you do the same. Ready?
1 As in (1) above.
2 As in (2) above.
3 As in (3) above.
4 As in (4) above.
T:I bought a piece of cheese this morning.
S:Cheese isn't very expensive:
T:I bought a postcard this morning.
S:Postcards aren't very expensive.
T:I bought an umbrella this morning.
S:Umbrellas aren't very expensive.
T:I bought a bottle of beer this morning.
S:Beer isn't very expensive.
T:I bought a comb this morning.
S:Combs aren't very expensive.
T:I bought a tin of tobacco this morning.
S:Tobacco isn't very expensive.
Key to KS Exercises
A some meat, a desk, some tobacco, a tin of beans, a comb, a city, a/some cloth, some oil, a bottle of beer,a day, a word, a student, some sugar, some rain, an orange, a/some rubber
D (sample answers)
1 I found an old coin in the garden.
2 I put some sugar in my tea.
3 I cut some wood for a/the fire.
4 I bought a newspaper yesterday.
5 I made some coffee.
6 I like the curtains in this room.
Key to SD Exercises
1 out 2 over 3 off 4 at
1 knocked him out
2 knock off
3 knocked 20% off the price…
Key to Multiple choice questions
1 d 2 a 3 c 4 d
5 d 6 a 7 d 8 a
9 b 10 a 11 d 12 a.
Key to Sentence structure
He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.

Lesson 6
Percy Buttons

课文详注 Further notes on the text
1.I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 我刚刚搬进了大桥街的一所房子。
move常用的意义是“动”、“移动”。在这句话里它的意思是“搬家”、“迁移”,为不及物动词。在表达“搬家”这个意思时move可以单独使用,也可以组成短语move to, move into, move in, move out等:

Jack has moved out. John will move in the day after tomorrow.
2.He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. (他问)我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒。
在表示请求时,可以用ask+sb. +for+sth.,也可以直接用ask for:

Don't always ask others for help.
He never asks his parents for money.
3.in return for this, 作为报答,作为交换。
in return可以单独使用,也可以加介词for说明原因:
You lent me this interesting book last month. In return (for it), I'll show you some picture books.
In return for your help, I invite you to spend the weekend with my family.
4.Later a neighbour told me about him. 后来,一位邻居告诉了我他的情况。
Please tell me about the accident.
He spoke to me about his dog.
I have read about him.
5.once a month, 每月一次。
Jane wrote to her parents once a week.
He goes back to the South once a year.
The postman calls once a day.
语法 Grammar in use
1.a, the与some的用法
He bought a book this afternoon.
There is a man in front of your car.
A cup of coffee, please.
I need a sheet of paper.
A tiger is a dangerous animal.
Tigers are dangerous.
Salt is necessary for/ to us all.
He put some books on the desk.
Some students are absent today.
I like to put some sugar in the soup.
如果指某个确定的人或事物或者上文已提到过的人或事物,则要用定冠词the(有时相当于this/ that):
The man has just left.
Do you still want the ticket?
Yesterday I saw a beautiful skirt in a shop. But the skirt was too expensive.
Tom is in Germany now. He studies physics in Berlin. He has a house in Bridge Street.
April is a pleasant month.
He has classes on Monday.
2.短语动词 (Phrasal verbs)
许多动词加上介词或副词后就会改变词义,因此需要记住整个短语,并根据上下文的意义判断动词在句子中的意思。常见的短语动词有: put on(穿上,戴上), take off(脱掉,摘掉), look for (寻找),look after(照顾,照料):
Don't put the cup on the table!
It is cold outside. Put on your coat.
Someone has taken my pen.
Take off your wet shoes, please.
She looked at the picture carefully.
What are you looking for?
She looked after the sick baby for three days.
词汇学习 Word study
(1)vi. 敲门:
Someone is knocking at the door.
I knocked, but no one answered.
(2)vt., vi. 碰撞:
You always knock things off the table. 你总是碰掉桌上的东西。
Jim was knocked over by a bus this morning.
She has knocked a cup over again.
(3)vt. 把(某人)打成……状态:
Bob is very strong. He knocked Tom out yesterday.
A vt.(价格上)减去,除去,打折扣:
They knocked five dollars off the price of the coat.
B vi. 下班,停止,中断(工作等):
When do you usually knock off?
He knocked off for lunch at half past eleven.
(1)vt., vi. 叫,喊:
I heard someone calling.
(2)vt. 呼唤,召唤:
Lucy is sick. Please call a doctor.
(3)vi. 访问,拜访;(车、船等)停靠:
Amy called(at our house) yesterday.
I have just called on Mr. Frith.
The train calls at large stations only.
练习答案 Key to written exercises
A Some meat, a desk, some tobacco, a tin of beans, a comb, acity, a/ some cloth, some oil, a bottle of beer, a day, a word, a student, some sugar, some rain, an orange, a/ some rubber
D (sample answers)
1 I found an old coin in the garden.
2 I put some sugar in my tea.
3 I cut some wood for a/ the fire.
4 I bought a newspaper yesterday.
5 I made some coffee.
6 I like the curtains in this room.
A 1 out 2 over 3 off 4 at
B 1 knocked him out
2 knock off
3 knocked 20% off the price
1 d 2 a 3 c 4 d 5 d 6 a
7 d 8 a 9 b 10 a 11d 12 a