

 Growing Pains” seems full of knowledge and experience. So it does because all of us have growing pains and also growinggains in our lives.
Growing up is not a very enjoyable time. It means I have to work hard in studying and in family. There’s always so much homework given by teachers and so many arguments between the parents and me. The time is fair, but it seems it gives pains three quarters and only one quarter to gains.
But gains give me power and confidence. Successes and friendship make me happy and enjoyable. We played with snow in the winter that seldom snows, we flew kites in the night that usually belongs to homework, we ate several ice creams that almost made us cold. We picked up leaven that no longer high up!
Although pains are always more than gains, I believe both of them make my life more colorful“成长的烦恼”,似乎充满了知识和经验.它确实是这样,因为我们所有的人都有成长的烦恼,在我们的生活中也越来越大收益.
第1个回答  2015-05-08
长大后,我们渐渐双眉紧锁,因为有烦恼侵占了我们的心灵,烦恼不知不觉代替了我们开心的笑容。 难道我们就甘愿被这些烦恼所困扰吗?不,我们要想办法解决它,摆脱它。我先给大家介绍几种办法吧! 在你心情不好的时候,就可以拼命吃东西,巧克力...