required reviews completed 多久


  这个就是是有足够的审稿意见,不是审稿已经结束,编辑可能还再等别的审稿人意见。所以一般一周到一个月都是有可能的。如果超过了一个月,楼主可以发邮件和编辑部联系一下。   我投的这个期刊这种状态表明审稿结束。我投的期刊是这样说明的:   ‘Required Reviews Completed’ – The reviewing process of your paper has been competed. The Editor will be in touch as soon as they have made a decision on your paper. It is our aim that authors will receive a first decision on their submission within 60 days of submission. In some case where the referees' comments conflict, it may be necessary to seek further opinion. As a result this may delay the review of your submission. ​