

初学英语的同学做遇到对划线部分提问的题目,总是感觉手忙脚乱,或者是无从下手,笔者认为大家只要记住关键的“三步”,保证你们做起题来会万无一失。第一步:根据划线部分的词、句确定特殊疑问词。whose, what , how , when , where ,why , which, who , because, how many, what colour, how much, how old ,how long, how often等。注意:划线部分语句的意思就是你要变成的问句的答案,这是确定确定特殊疑问词的捷径。如:1.Lily plays soccer every day.确定用what。2.She cleaned room last night. 确定用when。3.He is at home. 确定用where。4.Her coat is red. 确定用what colour。5.Tom’s bike is $ 50. 确定用how much 。6.This is Lucy’s book. 确定用whose 。7.She likes English because it is interesting. 确定用why1.Lily plays soccer every day.2.She cleaned room last night.3.He is at home.4.Her coat is red.5.Tom’s bike is $ 50.6.This is Lucy’s book.7.She likes English because it is interesting.第三步:把去掉划线部分后的句子变成一般疑问句,然后把它添加在特殊疑问词后,加上问号。
第1个回答  2013-12-11
这个可多了 比如说对状语提问 He is in the tree对in the tree提问就是Where is he?
对主语提问He is my brother对he提问就是Who is your brother
对宾语提问I like the book对book提问What do you like
还有好多呢 主谓宾定状补都可以
不懂可追问 没问题望采纳本回答被网友采纳