
我想要:《秘密花园》 - 〔美〕弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特
这本书的 内容概括啊...要多一些字.~~
谁帮帮我啊~~`小女子在此先谢过 了啊~
还有一本书叫little women 的>??中文不知道是什么..//(故事是将关于4个女孩的.......)要多一些字.~~





《秘密花园》是上个世纪著名女作家弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特(1849~ 1924)的代表作。本书一经出版,很快就成为当时最受关注和最畅销的儿童文学作品,整个20世纪,人们一版再版这本书,全世界的大人和小孩都热爱《秘密花园》。孩提时代的人们,对于生命的发展,更是充满了无穷无尽的好奇心。它曾经先后十几次被改编成电影、电视、卡通片、话剧、舞台剧。在英语的儿童文学作品里,本书被公认为无年龄界限。
English Version
Book review
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1911)

If you could choose, I don't suppose you would choose Mary Lennox for a playmate:

When Mary Lennox was sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen. It was true, too. She had a little thin face and a little thin body, thin light hair and a sour expression.

But you would probably be disagreeable too if you had lived in India all your short life, dumped on servants while your parents busied themselves with parties and entertaining. Mary Lennox was unwanted and unloved and almost went unnoticed when cholera hit the household. Both her parents died and she was shipped off to the wild moors of Yorkshire to live with her reclusive, hunch-backed uncle.

'And you mustn't expect that there will be people to talk to you. You'll have to play about and look after yourself. You'll be told what rooms you can go into and what rooms you're to keep out of. There's gardens enough. But when you're in the house don't go wandering and poking about. Mr Craven won't have it.'

Not a very inviting start to a new life, is it? Actually, things are very different for Miss Mary. The Yorkshire housemaid, Martha, doesn't respond like her old Indian Ayah:

'Who are you callin' names?' she said. 'You needn't be so vexed. That's not th'way for a young lady to talk ...'

Ben Weatherstaff, the old gardener, doesn't take to her very readily:

'Tha' an' me are a good bit alike,' he said, 'We was wove out of th' same cloth. We're neither of us good-lookin' an' we're both of us as sour as we look. We've got the same nasty tempers, both of us, I'll warrant.'

And she's very lonely.

She takes to roaming round the gardens, because there really isn't anything else to do. And there is this queer matter of the locked garden which she must never go into:

'Mr Craven had it shut when his wife died so sudden. He won't let no one go inside. It was her garden. He locked th' door an' dug a hole and buried th' key ...'

But there is one thing at Misselthwaite Manor that Mary didn't reckon on - and neither did anyone else. There is a special kind of magic. As Mary wanders round the windy gardens the magic begins to do its work. First, the robin befriends her, and then old Ben Weatherstaff pauses for a chat. Mary finds she likes to listen to Martha the housemaid, about her mother and brothers and sisters in the cottage on the moor. And when Mary finally meets her uncle Craven, she finds a crippled man, grief-stricken at the death of his wife ten years ago, but not unkind.

I'm going to have to leave the rest of the story for you to find out for yourself. But I can tell you that Martha's got a super brother called Dickon who does live a life of pure magic out on the moor from dawn until dusk. And, to Mary's great surprise, she finds she also has a cousin. Read on ... I think you will love this book. Slowly, slowly Mary is transformed by the wholesome life that she lives at Misselthwaite Manor. It's a very emotional story, beautifully told, and comes to a happy, triumphant end.
第1个回答  2007-02-03








little women是《小妇人》
第2个回答  2007-02-09
Mary eccentric character in the orphaned girl was sent to a culture steeped in the mysterious atmosphere of the Dragon Manor. There is a closure of the Manor open as long as a decade, and even find the door to the secret garden. Manor is in the background of this novel, the character is quite different to revive the children how to find the secret garden make it, Meanwhile, she also morbidness out of the embrace of nature, has become a dynamic. Walt novels full, suspense Congsheng, instructional, and the history of children's literature is a classic. This is a need to prepare a moving book. Garden, because of a sudden change, the Garden wall to seal off the door was closed. Since then, into a gray, not angry Death son. Into a secret garden. Meanwhile, the families who owned the garden, fall into a gray life. A foreign girl and another dry, thin, Matano ugly girls, and one day came home from India. Because of a plague that claimed the lives of her family, leaving her alone one, but to this strange pro. full of mystery distant relative of the family. A big garden, the garden's large, gray, cold place. That was the first impression left by the girls. Manor Lane, with only a few people, more than 100 houses, and some who never visited the house for many years. Sometimes filled with interruptions in the middle of the night crying. All this means that the new girls to the curiosity of expansion to the extreme. Girls named Mary. The spring wind, the sunshine of spring, estates around the lush garden of wild trail running. Mary began to face so that the color of dried achene. A mysterious red bird in the chest under the guidance of Mary Garden found buried in the ground or house keys. Push aside the doors shielded by vines, the garden wall was secretly opened. Mary Bacillus girls removed a small piece of wasteland, the Spring Bud Green, the next bit emerge in the spring, Spring Green 1.1 point, the mysterious piece by piece came to the garden. Mary made a smart girl-boy, and his first name is Diken. Diken are many magical ability when he appeared, birds, rabbits, squirrels, etc. Small animals will be on his side. listen to the court. Diken was also ready with some miraculous seeds, and sprinkle in cleaning up the garden, A few days certainly come a cluster of green shoot. Also a weird night, found a sick bed crying girls follow Clinton's cousin. Clinton originally was brought up to believe that they can live patients. However, with the help of Mary in Diken, the Clinton sneaked into the Garden. Clinton started to have long lives. The green shoots of spring, I was also Clinton's spread. Clinton began to use his feet, secret gardens set foot on the land. Green, healthy and sunshine into their secret spring quietly returned to the secret garden.本回答被提问者采纳