生气用be angry with还是be angry at


"Be angry with" 和 "be angry at" 都表示生气、愤怒的情绪,但它们之间有一些区别,包括释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象方面的区别。

1. 释义区别:

"Be angry with" 表示对某人感到生气或愤怒,强调个人之间的关系或互动。而 "be angry at" 则表示对某事或某情况感到生气或愤怒,强调针对具体的对象或事件。


- She was angry with her sister for breaking her favorite toy. (be angry with)


- He's angry at the government for raising taxes. (be angry at)


2. 用法区别:

"Be angry with" 通常表示对某人的情感或态度,强调与某人的关系;而 "be angry at" 则表示对某事物或情况的情感或态度,强调针对具体事件的情绪。


- Tom is angry with his friend for betraying his trust. (be angry with)


- I am angry at the unfair treatment I received. (be angry at)


3. 使用环境区别:

"Be angry with" 常用于描述人与人之间的情感和关系,适用于口语和书面语。而 "be angry at" 则更常用于描述对特定事件、行为或情况的愤怒,也适用于口语和书面语。


- She was angry with her boss for constantly criticizing her work. (be angry with)


- They are angry at the company for their unfair labor practices. (be angry at)


4. 影响范围区别:

"Be angry with" 的影响范围通常局限于与个人关系紧密相关的事情,如家人、朋友等。而 "be angry at" 的影响范围更广,可以涉及到更广泛的对象、事件或情况。


- She is angry with her sister for borrowing her clothes without permission. (be angry with)


- They are angry at the government for failing to address pressing social issues. (be angry at)


5. 形象区别:

"Be angry with" 给人一种更直接、个人之间的情感冲突的形象,强调着个人的主观感受和情感投射。而 "be angry at" 给人一种更客观、针对外界事件或情况的形象,强调着对事件的评判和反应。


- She was angry with her friend for canceling their plans without any explanation. (be angry with)


- He's angry at the traffic jam that made him late for the meeting. (be angry at)

