

some 1
/ səm; səm/ indef det (used in affirmative sentences,or in questions expecting a positive reply; after if/whether, when the sentence has a positive emphasis; and in invitations and requests 用於肯定句或希望得到肯定回答的问句; 置於if/whether之后, 语义偏重於肯定; 用以表示邀请和请求)
(used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) an unspecified amount of 一些; 若干: There's some ice in the fridge. 冰箱里有些冰块儿. * Some mail came for you this morning. 今天上午有你的邮件. * You left some money on the table. 你把钱落在桌子上了. * Would you like some milk in your tea? 要不要在茶里加点儿牛奶? * Isn't there some (more) wine in the cellar? 酒窖里(还)有酒吗? * If you save some money each week, we can go on holiday. 要是你每星期能存点儿钱, 咱们就可以外出度假了. * Please have some cake. 请吃点儿蛋糕.
(used with pl [C] ns, usu referring to three or more 与复数可数名词连用, 通常指三个或三个以上) an unspecified number of 一些; 若干: Some children were playing in the park. 有些小孩儿在公园里玩儿. * Why don't you give her some flowers? 何不送给她一些花? (Cf 参看 I suggest you give her some flowers.) * Didn't you borrow some records of mine? 你没向我借过一些唱片吗? (Cf 参看 You borrowed some records of mine, didn't you?) * If you put some pictures on the wall the room will look brighter. 你要是在墙上挂几幅画, 这个房间就更有生气. Cf 参看 any1. some 2
/ sʌm; sʌm/ indef det
(used with [C] and [U] ns 与可数和不可数名词连用) (a) a number or amount of sth that is less than the total being considered 部分; 有些: Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to be trained. 有些人生就一副好嗓子, 有些人则需要训练. * Some modern music sounds harsh and tuneless. 现代音乐中有一些又刺耳又不成调子. (b) a considerable number or amount of 相当多的; 好些: We went some (ie several) miles out of our way. 我们偏离原定路线走了好几英里. * That is some help to us, ie It helps to a certain extent. 那对我们很有用. * I shall be gone (for) some time, ie for quite a long time. 我将有好些日子不在这儿. * The headmistress spoke at some (ie considerable) length. (女)校长讲话讲了好一会儿.
(used with sing [C] ns 与单数可数名词连用) person, place or thing that is unknown or unspecified 未知的或未确指的人、 地点或事物: Some man at the door is asking to see you. 门口有人要见你. * She won a competition in some newspaper or other. 她参加某报纸举办的比赛获胜.
(used with numbers 与数词连用) approximately 大约; 近於: He spent some twelve years of his life in Africa. 他在非洲度过了近十二个年头. * Some thirty people attended the funeral. 参加葬礼的约有三十人. some 3
/ sʌm; sʌm/ indef pron
an unspecified number or amount of people or things 一些人或事物. (a) (referring back 用以复指前文): Some were at the meeting yesterday. 有些人昨天出席了会议. * You'll find some in the cupboard. 柜橱里有一些. * There's some (more) in the pot. 锅里(还)有一些. * I already have some but it's not enough for six. 我有一些, 但不够六个人的. (b) (referring forward 用以预指后文): Some of the chairs are broken. 有些椅子坏了. * Some of the money was stolen. 有些钱给偷走了.
part of the whole number or amount being considered 其中的一部分. (a) (referring back 用以复指前文): Thirty people came some stayed until the end but many left early. 来了三十人--有些人一直呆到最后, 但很多人先走了. (b) (referring forward 用以预指后文): Some of the students had done their homework but most hadn't. 有些学生做了作业, 但大多数都没做. * Some of the letter was illegible. 那封信有些字难以辨认. Cf 参看 any2.
suff 后缀
(with ns and vs forming adjs 与名词和动词构成形容词) producing; likely to 引起...的; 有...倾向的: fearsome * quarrelsome * meddlesome.
(with numbers forming ns 与数词构成名词) group of the specified number 某数目的一组: threesome.

any 1
/ ˈenɪ; ˋɛnɪ/ indef det
(used in negative sentences and in questions; after if/whether; after hardly, never, without, etc; and after such vs as prevent, ban, avoid, forbid 用於否定句及疑问句; 用於if/whether之后; 用於hardly never without等之后; 用於prevent ban avoid forbid一类动词之后) (a) (used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) an unspecified amount of 任何量的: I didn't eat any meat. 我一点儿肉都没吃. * Do you know any French? 你会法语吗? * There was hardly any free time. 简直没有什麽空闲时间. * We did the job without any difficulty. 我们毫不费力就做完了工作. * To avoid any delay please phone your order direct. 为免延误, 请直接打电话预订. * It didn't seem to be any distance (ie It seemed a very short distance) to the road. 那条路似乎没多远. (b) (used with plural [C] ns 与复数可数名词连用) an unspecified number of (people or things) 任何数目的(人或物): I haven't read any books by Tolstoy. 我没看过托尔斯泰的书. * Are there any stamps in that drawer? 那抽屉里有邮票吗? * I wonder whether Mr Black has any roses in his garden. 我不知道布莱克先生的花园里有没有玫瑰. * You can't go out without any shoes. 不穿鞋就不能出去. * They bought a dog to prevent any burglaries. 他们买了条狗以防盗贼. Cf 参看 some1.
(a) (used with singular [C] ns 与单数可数名词连用) one out of a number, (the particular choice being unimportant) 任一(哪一个并不重要): Take any book you like. 你喜欢哪本书就拿哪本. * Give me a pen any pen will do. 给我一枝钢笔--哪枝都行. * Phone me any day next week. 下星期的任何一天给我打个电话. (b) (used with singular [C] ns in negative sentences or sentences implying doubt or negation; also used after if/whether 用於否定句或有疑问或否定含义的句中, 与单数可数名词连用; 亦用於if/whether之后) a; one 一个: Hasn't it got any tail? 它有尾巴吗? * I can't see any door in this room. 我看不到这房间有门.
every; no matter which 每一个; 无论哪个: Any fool could tell you that. 连傻瓜都知道. * You'll find me here at any hour of the day. 你可以看到我整天任何时候都在这里. * Any train from this platform stops at Gatwick. 从这一月台开出的火车都在盖特威克停. * They want any money you can spare. 你有多少闲钱他们都要.
(used in negative sentences and after if/whether 用於否定句及if/whether之后) a normal; an ordinary 平常的; 普通的; 一般的: This isn't any old bed it belonged to Shakespeare. 这可不是一般的旧床--是莎士比亚的. * If it were any ordinary paint you would need two coats. 若是普通颜料就要涂两层. * She isn't just any woman she's the Queen. 她并非寻常妇女--她是女王.
# `any time whatever time you like 随便什麽时候: Come round any time. 什麽时候来都可以. any 2
/ ˈenɪ; ˋɛnɪ/ indef pron
(used in negative sentences and in questions; after if/whether; and after hardly, never, without, etc 用於否定句及疑问句; 用於if/whether之后; 用於hardly、 never、 without等词之后) an unspecified amount or number 任何的数量. (a) (referring back 用以复指前文): I can't give you any. 我一点儿也不能给你. * Have you got any? 你有吗? (b) (referring forward 用以预指后文): She didn't spend any of the money. 这钱她一点儿都没花. * If he had read any of those books he would have known the answer. 他假若看了这些书中的任何一本, 就知道答案了. * He returned home without any of the others. 没有任何人和他一起回家.
one single example 一例: If you recognize `any of the people in the photograph, tell us. 你若能认出照片中的任何人, 就告诉我们. Cf 参看 some3.
(idm 习语) sb isn't `having any (infml 口) sb isn't interested or does not agree 某人不感兴趣或不同意: I tried to get her to talk about her divorce but she wasn't having any. 我想引她谈谈她离婚的事, 但她不愿意说. any 3
/ ˈenɪ; ˋɛnɪ/ indef adv (used with faster, slower, better, etc, in questions and after if/whether 用於疑问句中, 与faster、 slower、 better等连用; 用於if/whether之后) to any degree; at all 在任何程度上; 丝毫: I can't run any faster. 我无法跑得更快了. * Is your father any better at all? 你父亲有些好转吗? * If it were any further we wouldn't be able to get there. 假使再远一些, 我们就到不了了. * I can't afford to spend any more on food. 用在食物上的钱, 再多一点儿我也花不起了. * The children didn't behave any too well, ie They behaved rather badly. 孩子们的表现并未见好.
# any `more (US anymore) any further; now, or any longer starting from now 再; 更; 还; 目前; 现在; 今后: She doesn't live here any more. 她已不在这里住了
第1个回答  2010-11-11
eg:I want to eat some food.
Do you have any apples?
I don't have any apples.
Do you want to eat some food?(表示希望对方吃)
第2个回答  2010-11-11
前者 表示肯定 用与肯定句中 后者表示否定 用于否定句和疑问句中 都是一些的含义 可以修饰可数与不可数名词本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-11-15
第4个回答  2012-03-17
some 表示 一些
any 表示 任何一个
some 可以用在肯定句中 ,也可以用在表示婉转意思的疑问句中;
any 可用于否定句和疑问句中。