

21-25 DCBDC 26-30CBCDC
31-35 ADDBB 36-40DEFAC
41-45 ADBBC 46-50ACADB
51-55 BCCDA 56-60DDCBB
61. it 62.of
63. is 64.overlooking
65. became 66.which
67. the 68.geographical
69. equipped 70. that
71. Look back to ... Look → Looking
72. ... several days before ...
before → ago
73. ... I think reason ... reason前加the
74. But I believe ... But → And
75. ... make friends with ...
make → made
76. ... from other city ... city → cities
77. Most important ...
important → importantly
78. ... I shouldn't have ...
shouldn't → couldn't
79. ... wish everyone for ... 去掉for
80. ... we take count. count → counts
One possible version:
Hi everyone! I'm Li Hua from Senior Three.Today I am glad to be running forchairman of the English Club. I think I'msuitable for the position. As monitorof my class, I have been thought highlyof by my classmates and teachers. I'm agood communicator and good atorganising activities. Most importantly, I canspeak fluent English and oftencommunicate with foreigners.
If I'm lucky enough to be elected aschairman, I will try my best to arrangemore activities and create a strongerEnglish atmosphere for us. I sincerelyhope you will give me a chance and votefor me.
Thank you.