



4、“不要在你一定会后悔的事情上浪费时间”如果翻译成“Don't waste time on things that you will regret”对吗?到底是will还是would,为什么?


1。根据您给的例句,这里的“好像是”和我们平时说的“据说”类似,都是表示不确定之意。您的例句可译为:it is said that he/she is an orphan.
2。这句话不负责任的说用机器翻译就会得到一个英语句子。但是我想说的是,在西方文化里是没有这种让别人多吃快吃的习惯的,家人之间也是一样,一般外国人会说help yourself(请便)而不像我们这样。但是如果非要翻译的话,可以说:Dig in, dinner makes you stronger.首先,dig in 就是类似把头埋到碗里吃饭的景象,之所以用这个是为了体现长辈对孩子的亲昵。后半句式我自己造的句,主要是觉得押韵。
3。that seat was occupied by someone else when I was going for it.
4。先说您给的句子,还是应该用will。因为这个句子是一般时态,后悔是未来才会发生的事情,所以不会到would。另外这个句子没有体现出“你一定如何如何”的意思。如果是我说,会是这样:never waste your time on something that you will certainly regret in the future.
5。it took me two and a half hours waiting for Bus No.11 which did not come.
第1个回答  2010-05-16
1. It seemed/seems that...
2. Hurry up. Eat more to make you stronger!
3. The seat was taken by the one beside when I was just going to sit on it.
4. (You are right!)will 表示将来会后悔
5. I waited for the 11th bus for two and a half hours, but it didn't come.
第2个回答  2010-05-17
2:You quickly eat, eat aims only at boosting the body's!
3:While I am prepared to take to the seat, the thought has to be the first to the person next to.
4:Do not regret what you will waste time
5:Yesterday afternoon, I waited two and a half hour bus No 11, it did not come
第3个回答  2010-05-17
1、It is said that
第4个回答  2010-05-17
1\It seems that he is an orphan.
2\Come on baby, eat more, and you will grow as a storng man.
3\While I was going to take that seat, the person next to took it before me.
4\would 虚拟语气
5\I waited No.11 bus for 2.5 hours yesterday afternoon, however it didn't come.