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*我国古代所用之扇,要数 纨扇 历史最早。至于近代人所用的折扇,又叫撒扇,是明代永乐年间,朝鲜国入贡中国的。永乐皇帝喜欢这种扇卷舒方便,就命宫中工匠仿造。后来由宫中传出,很快就风行全国,普遍使用了。
*在明代宫廷中,折扇选用材料,越选越精,极奇穷巧。扇骨有用 象牙 的, 玳瑁 的, 檀香 的, 沉香 的,粽竹的,以及各种木料的。工艺则有 螺钿 的, 雕漆 的,漆上洒金的,退光洋漆的。还有镂空边骨,内藏极细小三十二张牙牌的。有镂空通身,填满异香的。这些折扇扇骨,都刻有各种花样,备极奇巧。明代一位皇帝(永乐帝)开始主导折扇潮流,他命令内务府大量制作,并在扇面上题诗赋词,分赠于大臣。一时折扇大贵,成为一种时尚。文人雅士学着互赠题诗词字的折扇,表喻友情、别意。手持折扇,成为当时生活中高雅的象征。折扇一旦流行,久盛不衰。在清代,折扇之随处可见,简直登峰造极到有泛滥的嫌疑。明清时,在折扇生产地--江南一带,出了很多名士,他们的风流才情,与折扇有着丝丝缕缕的关系。他们所营造出的江南如水的文化氛围,表现出柔情氲氤的诗画美境;通过以折扇为媒介,流传于皇宫、府第、闺室、民间、海外。而折扇也因了这些美画佳句身价百倍。

一柄折扇,两种画面。一面历史,一面现实。一面 书画 ,一面可能是空白,留给后人思考后填充。折扇是对生活美化的装点。它是挂在时代腰间的 奢侈品 。折扇之被重新拾起,已脱离其扇风的本意,而变成某种完全情绪化或曰文化的东西。在今天,折扇已成为中国的折扇。中国是世界上最大的生产国和出口国,销往许多国家,当然也销往日本--那曾经是折扇的故乡。

Folding fan is made with bamboo or ivory Shan Gu, Ren made of paper or damask silk folding fan fan energy; used to be cast of, into a semicircular shape, the first loose end together.
* Folding fans in Japan, invented by the Japanese Imperial Japanese embassies to China as a tribute gift.
* Ancient records every summer, the court nobility bestowed courtiers folding, folding into the palace activities belongings of one of the courtiers. Later, women are also affected by the court, used to get to folding fans, as decorations around.

* Fan used in ancient China, to the earliest history of the number of Wan Shan. The folding fans used by modern man, also known as Caesar fan, the Yongle reign of the Ming dynasty, the Korean state to pay tribute to China. Yongle Emperor like the fan is Comfortable easy, he ordered the palace artisans imitated. Later, came from the palace and soon popular in the country, widespread use.
* In the Ming court, the folding selected material, the more the election the more refined, extremely clever odd poor. Shan Gu useful in ivory, tortoise shell, and sandalwood, and incense, and rice dumplings bamboo, and a variety of wood. Process have Raden, and carved lacquer, and paint on throwing, and back Koyo paint. There are hollow bone side, containing a very small 32 Yapai's. A hollow Tong Shen, fragrant fill of. The folding fan Shan Gu, are engraved with various patterns, and do very resonable. Ming emperor (Yongle Emperor) began the trend of the leading folding fan, he ordered the Imperial Household Department and mass-produced on the topic of Poetry in the word fan, to give to the Minister. 1:00 folding the Big Dipper, became fashionable. Learn to give each other a question of scholars of poetry words folding table Yu friendship, other means. Handheld folding fans, became a symbol of elegant life. Folding fan, once popular for a long time to flourish. In the Qing Dynasty, the folding of everywhere, and almost reached the limit to a flood of suspects. Ming and Qing, the folding producer - Jiangnan area, out of a lot of celebrities, their romantic talent, and has a faint trace strands of the relationship between folding. They create the cultural atmosphere of the southern water, showing tenderness Yun magic emanation of the poetic realm; through a folding fan as a medium, spread in the Royal Palace, residence of the Inner Room, private, overseas. The folding fan is also a result of these Lines of the United States painting worth a hundred times.

Edged folding fans, two pictures. Side of history on the one hand the reality. Face painting, side may be blank, fill left pondering future generations. Folding fan is decorated landscaping life. It is hanging in the era of luxury waist. Folding fan of being picked up again, the intention has been from its fan, and became a full emotional or cultural thing. Today, has become China's folding fan folding fan. China is the world's largest producer and exporter, exported to many countries, of course, sold to Japan - it was once the home of folding.
第1个回答  2010-05-14
I think the anwser:

Folding fan is made with bamboo or ivory Shan Gu, Ren made of paper or damask silk folding fan fan energy; used to be cast of, into a semicircular shape, the first loose end together.
* Ancient records every summer, the court nobility bestowed courtiers folding, folding into the palace activities belongings of one of the courtiers. Later, women are also affected by the court, used to get to folding fans, as decorations around.

* Fan used in ancient China, to the earliest history of the number of Wan Shan. The folding fans used by modern man, also known as Caesar fan, the Yongle reign of the Ming dynasty, the Korean state to pay tribute to China. Yongle Emperor like the fan is Comfortable easy, he ordered the palace artisans imitated. Later, came from the palace and soon popular in the country, widespread use.
* In the Ming court, the folding selected material, the more the election the more refined, extremely clever odd poor. Shan Gu useful in ivory, tortoise shell, and sandalwood, and incense, and rice dumplings bamboo, and a variety of wood. Process have Raden, and carved lacquer, and paint on throwing, and back Koyo paint. There are hollow bone side, containing a very small 32 Yapai's. A hollow Tong Shen, fragrant fill of. The folding fan Shan Gu, are engraved with various patterns, and do very resonable. Ming emperor (Yongle Emperor) began the trend of the leading folding fan, he ordered the Imperial Household Department and mass-produced on the topic of Poetry in the word fan, to give to the Minister. 1:00 folding the Big Dipper, became fashionable. Learn to give each other a question of scholars of poetry words folding table Yu friendship, other means. Handheld folding fans, became a symbol of elegant life. Folding fan, once popular for a long time to flourish. In the Qing Dynasty, the folding of everywhere, and almost reached the limit to a flood of suspects. Ming and Qing, the folding producer - Jiangnan area, out of a lot of celebrities, their romantic talent, and has a faint trace strands of the relationship between folding. They create the cultural atmosphere of the southern water, showing tenderness Yun magic emanation of the poetic realm; through a folding fan as a medium, spread in the Royal Palace, residence of the Inner Room, private, overseas. The folding fan is also a result of these Lines of the United States painting worth a hundred times.
I think the anwser is:
Edged folding fans, two pictures. Side of history on the one hand the reality. Face painting, side may be blank, fill left pondering future generations. Folding fan is decorated landscaping life. It is hanging in the era of luxury waist. Folding fan of being picked up again, the intention has been from its fan, and became a full emotional or cultural thing. Today, has become China's folding fan folding fan. China is the world's largest producer and exporter, exported to many countries, of course, sold to Japan - it was once the home of folding.
第2个回答  2010-05-14
Folding fan is made with bamboo or ivory Shan Gu, Ren made of paper or damask silk folding fan fan energy; used to be cast of, into a semicircular shape, the first loose end together.
* Folding fans in Japan, invented by the Japanese Imperial Japanese embassies to China as a tribute gift.
* Ancient records every summer, the court nobility bestowed courtiers folding, folding into the palace activities belongings of one of the courtiers. Later, women are also affected by the court, used to get to folding fans, as decorations around.

* Fan used in ancient China, to the earliest history of the number of Wan Shan. The folding fans used by modern man, also known as Caesar fan, the Yongle reign of the Ming dynasty, the Korean state to pay tribute to China. Yongle Emperor like the fan is Comfortable easy, he ordered the palace artisans imitated. Later, came from the palace and soon popular in the country, widespread use.
* In the Ming court, the folding selected material, the more the election the more refined, extremely clever odd poor. Shan Gu useful in ivory, tortoise shell, and sandalwood, and incense, and rice dumplings bamboo, and a variety of wood. Process have Raden, and carved lacquer, and paint on throwing, and back Koyo paint. There are hollow bone side, containing a very small 32 Yapai's. A hollow Tong Shen, fragrant fill of. The folding fan Shan Gu, are engraved with various patterns, and do very resonable. Ming emperor (Yongle Emperor) began the trend of the leading folding fan, he ordered the Imperial Household Department and mass-produced on the topic of Poetry in the word fan, to give to the Minister. 1:00 folding the Big Dipper, became fashionable. Learn to give each other a question of scholars of poetry words folding table Yu friendship, other means. Handheld folding fans, became a symbol of elegant life. Folding fan, once popular for a long time to flourish. In the Qing Dynasty, the folding of everywhere, and almost reached the limit to a flood of suspects. Ming and Qing, the folding producer - Jiangnan area, out of a lot of celebrities, their romantic talent, and has a faint trace strands of the relationship between folding. They create the cultural atmosphere of the southern water, showing tenderness Yun magic emanation of the poetic realm; through a folding fan as a medium, spread in the Royal Palace, residence of the Inner Room, private, overseas. The folding fan is also a result of these Lines of the United States painting worth a hundred times.

Edged folding fans, two pictures. Side of history on the one hand the reality. Face painting, side may be blank, fill left pondering future generations. Folding fan is decorated landscaping life. It is hanging in the era of luxury waist. Folding fan of being picked up again, the intention has been from its fan, and became a full emotional or cultural thing. Today, has become China's folding fan folding fan. China is the world's largest producer and exporter, exported to many countries, of course, sold to Japan - it was once the home of folding.
第3个回答  2010-05-14
第4个回答  2010-05-14