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Parys 在想一个点子来对付地狱三头犬,他走到阳台的内部,他看到一个箱子.并且他打开了箱子发现里面藏有几块甜品,他的脑海里听见一个女人的声音说“地狱三头犬非常喜欢甜品”. 之后,Parys拿起了甜品从阳台扔下,地狱三头犬居然真的去吃那些甜品,而在这时候Parys跳下了悬崖并且骑上正在吃甜品的地狱三头犬的身上,用他的武器割下了它的3个头,但他没喝下它的血.
似乎哈迪斯也发现不对劲,他出现在Parys面前.哈迪斯咆哮道“卑微的半神你居然杀死了我的宠物,你该受到应有的惩罚”哈迪斯举起了他的镰刀向Parys砍去,但Parys躲开了哈迪斯的一击,Parys说“将我的妻子还给我,不然我就杀死了你.” 哈迪斯笑道”卑微的半神,你就试试吧” 然后哈迪斯用力的把他的镰刀扔向地面,地上裂开了一条缝隙,居然出现了一条黑色的河名字叫冥河.“我要让你下冥河让你永远见不到光明”哈迪斯说。哈迪斯拿起他的镰刀试图把Parys的灵魂吸入冥河,不过在Parys在多次抵制下,终究没被吸入冥河.经历了几回合的斗争,Parys夺取了哈迪斯的镰刀并且把哈迪斯的灵魂吸入了冥河.他并且找到了他老婆,不过他老婆已经死了现在只剩下灵魂,却无法带他回人间.那个女人再次出现并告诉去找大地之母盖亚来复活他的老婆.

真的帮我下 ...嗯 可以帮我减少也可以
反正翻译成英语 大概意思也表达出来就可以了 谢谢了
这样只会浪费你我的是进 求你们了
这个是我自己写的故事 所以 麻烦大家帮下

Parys (是不是Paris?) was thinking of a way to deal with the three-headed dog of Hades, Cerberus. He walked out to the balcony where he sees a chest. When he opened the chest, he found a couple of sweets. He heard a woman's voice in his mind, telling him that, Cerberus loved sweets. So Paris took the sweets and threw them down from the balcony. Cerberus was delighted to see his favorite food and went immediately to sample them. It is then that Paris leapt down, and, landing on the beast's back, chopped off the brute's three heads. But he did not drink its blood. Right then, Hades, the King of the underworld, appeared before Paris and bellowed: "You accursed son of a mortal! How dare you slaughter my beloved pet! You shall pay with your life." Hades raised his scythe and lunged at Paris. Paris ducked quickly, and bellowed back bravely: "Return my beloved to me, Hades, or it is your live that will be taken." At this Hades bent back and laughed: "You pathetic creature. By all means, try, if you dare" Hades threw his scythe onto the ground, and there appeared a crack in the black earth, and a black river appeared. Its name, Paris knew, was the river Styx. "You shall spend the rest of your days in the bottom of this river, Paris. Never again to see the light of day." Said Hades, as he raised his scythe again and tried to draw Paris' soul into the raging waters. But after a long, hard battle, Paris prevailed. He defeated Hades and gained possession of his blade, and pushed the evil King into his own river of death. And he found his beloved. But she was dead, and only possessed half of her soul. He could not bring her back to the land of the living. The woman whose voice Paris heard before now appeared before him, and told him that Gaea, Goddess of Earth, could help him restore his love. After a long and treacherous journey, Paris finally found Gaea and revived his lover. Paris and his wife then lived happily ever after in their home town

Hades 哈迪斯
Gaea 盖亚
第1个回答  2010-05-11
这是 圣经?


Parys was thinking about a way to kill Cerberus, he walks into the balcony and saw a box, where several pieces of desserts were hidden when he opened it.

Then, in his head there is a voice from a woman, which said : “Cerberus loves dessert.” So, Parys picks up the dessert and threw them down. To his surprise, Cerberus eat the desserts.

And when Cerberus was eating, Parys jumped off the crags and got on the back of Cerberus and cut off three heads of Cerberus, but he did not drink its blood.

And it seems Hades had sensed something was wrong, he appears before Parys and roared:”You petty Demi-Gods has the gall to kill my pet, you deserve a punishment.” And then Parys raised up his sickle trying to kill Parys,who luckily edged away.
第2个回答  2010-05-11
Parys in the hell would like an idea to deal with three dogs, he went inside the balcony, he saw a box. And he opened the box to find that possession of a few desserts, his mind heard a woman's voice say, "Hell three dogs are like dessert. "after, Parys picked up a dessert thrown from the balcony, hell three dogs who actually do eat dessert, but at this time jump off a cliff Parys and ride the hell is eating three desserts the first dog who, with his arms cut off its three heads, but he did not drink its blood.
Hardee's seems to have found something wrong, he appeared before the Parys. Hades growled, "the humble semi-god you actually killed my pet, you should be duly punished," Hades raised his sickle to Parys amputation, but Parys escape the Hades of a hit, Parys said, "my wife gave me, or I'll kill you." Hades smiled, "the humble half-god, you Try it "and then Hades Push threw his sickle the ground, the ground split a gap, actually there was a black name Stygian river." I want you so you never see under the non-dipped to light, "Hardee said. Hardy picked up his sickle soul trying to Parys inhalation dipped, but many times in Parys in the boycott, after all, not be sucked dipped. After several rounds of fighting, Parys won the Hardee's sickle and the Hardee's soul inhaled dipped. He also found his wife, but his wife is dead now only the soul can not take him back to earth. that woman again and told to look to Mother Earth Gaia resurrection of his wife.
Parys finally found Gaia and get the trust of the final Gaia Gaia resurrection of his wife. Parys and his wife finally returned home, living a happy life ....