
患者:赵淑琴,女。诊断:高血压脑出血。患者于9日早6时无明显原因出现头痛,视力下降。既往高血压病史七年。查体,血压199 96毫米汞柱,神志清楚,言语流利。双侧瞳孔同圆等大,光反射灵敏。视力减退,粗测0.3.颈软。四肢肌力正常,肌张力正常。活动自如。巴宾斯基征阳性。头CT示右侧颞枕部脑出血,量约22毫升。给予止血,降压,营养神经治疗。患者现在病情稳定

Patients: Zhao Shuqin, female. Diagnosis: Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage. Patients 9 and 6 am on no apparent cause headache, decreased vision. Past history of hypertension for seven years. Physical examination, blood pressure 19996 mm Hg, conscious, verbal fluency. Round and so with large bilateral pupillary light reflex sensitivity. Vision loss, rough measurement of 0.3. Neck soft. Normal limb muscle strength, muscle tension normal. Easily. Babinski sign positive. Head CT showed right temporal occipital hemorrhage, about 22 ml. To stop bleeding, blood pressure, nutrition, neural therapy. Patients are in stable condition.
第1个回答  2010-05-11
Patients: Zhao Shuqin, female.

Diagnosis: Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhaging.

Patient presented at 6am on the 9th with unexplained headache, decreased vision. Has a 7-year history of high blood pressure.

Physical exam: Blood pressure 199.96mmHg, Patient is awake, speech is clear and coherent, pupils are the size size, good response to light. Vision deteriorated by roughly 0.3 units. Neck is soft. Limb strength normal, muscle contraction normal, movements unhindered. Babinski Reflex positive.

Head CT shows right temporal occipital hemorrhaging of about 22mL.

Patient was treated to stop hemorrhage, decrease blood pressure and nutritive neural therapy was applied.
Patient is now stable.
第2个回答  2010-05-14