


In the afternoon the teacher took two classes of time to let us see a movie, the film's name is called "wind and rainHarvard road", after reading, gave me the heart of shock, and deeply moved.


Theprotagonistis agirl who grewup in New York, Liz. Liz grew up in a poor family, his childhoodindrugsAIDSthrough hunger filled environment. Although parents are drug addicts, but she still love them, she also felt that parents love her, even though they forget it.


Just as Lizsaid"love mv mother so deep. she also drua abuse. alcoholism. almost blind she was schizophrenic but never forgot that she loved me, although she did some things,always, always, always so that can see a children of parents selfless love.


this love although great, but is also a yoke of bondage, Liz, can obviously has the ability to read, change their own destiny but because ofthe need to take care of her mother and give up, until my mother died, can really break the shackles,change His fate. 


Her mother was a drug addict to die that day,only the coffin, and that is not even a simple funeral rituals. The mothers away, to bringher in addition to sad, only sad.


Later when shebegan wandering.17 years old, she just need a chance. She began to study hard with extraordinary perseverance.


The time of two years, she mastered a high school four year course.1996 years, a $12000 New York Times a scholarship, let her get Harvard's pass, the dream of the Harvard University to open her arms, she succeeded! 


Her experience, her sincerity her thesis deeply touched every one of the judges. With the strong desire ofthe persistent pursuit offaith and to change the life predicament, she finally realized his promise. 


And the fate of Liz the story in the face of adversity and despair, she did not yield the brave spirit, touching! But not necessarily belong to the person, always want to pursue something, and the pursuit ofreally do not have their own think so difficult, the most difficult is how to let oneselfdo not think it is difficult, and has taken the first step.


Each person has their own opportunities, seize the opportunity to succeed, and success is to grasp the opportunity, as Liz, she not only grasp the opportunity, and she also knows how to take advantage of opportunities.


successful people know how to opportunity, only empty to grasp the opportunity is useless, onlyto learn to use it to life is the truth, is the king. ln fact, life really can change, as long as you work hard, as long as you pay!


第1个回答  2023-08-03
1. 简要介绍电影:首先,你需要简单介绍一下《风雨哈佛路》这部电影,包括导演、主演、上映时间等基本信息。这部电影讲述了一个女孩从贫困家庭走向哈佛大学的故事,展现了她的坚韧和毅力。
2. 分析电影主题:在观影过程中,你可能会被电影中的某些主题所吸引,如努力奋斗、克服困难、追求梦想等。你可以从这些主题入手,分析电影想要传达给观众的信息。
3. 个人感受:在分析了电影的主题之后,你可以谈谈自己对这部电影的感受。你可以从以下几个方面来谈论:
- 你是否认同电影中的主题?为什么?
- 你是否觉得电影中的主人公很励志?如果是,请举例说明。
- 你是否觉得电影中的某些情节很感人?如果是,请举例说明。
- 你是否觉得这部电影对你产生了什么影响?如果有,请具体说明。
4. 对电影的建议或期待:在谈论完自己的感受之后,你可以对这部电影提出一些建议或期待。例如,你可以希望导演能够拍摄更多类似题材的电影,以激励更多的人去追求梦想;或者你希望电影中的某些角色能够有更深入的发展,以增加故事的吸引力。
5. 总结:最后,你可以对全文进行总结,强调一下你的观点和看法。同时,也可以鼓励其他人去观看这部电影,并分享你的观后感。