Amazon Rewards Visa Signature Card有什么用


在美国亚马逊购物时,经常看到美亚的界面到处提醒Amazon.comRewards Visa Card,以及可以获得相关优惠,那么 Rewards Visa Card 到底是什么东西,那些优惠的信息我们可以用吗?这里和大家普及下海淘知识,美国亚马逊海淘购物结账,往往在结帐时都会看到亚马逊网站上的如下提示:
Your cost could be $*** instead of $***! Get the Amazon.comRewards Visa® Card instantly and you'll automatically get $30.00 back as a credit on your credit card statement after your first purchase.
这里不要高兴的认为自己可以额外获得优惠, 翻译过来意思是如果注册了美国亚马逊上的 reward visa card, 即可以获回赠30美元, 其实哪里有这等好事? 于是给美国亚马逊发了咨询邮件, 告诉它们我在中国, 能否注册这款美国亚马逊信用卡, 美国亚马逊官方回复如下:

Hi UpsBuy.
I see that you've written to us about thisissue. I'll do my best to provide a thorough answer to yourinquiry in this message.
Can you register as a member to get your Rewards Visa.