

上海环球青藤韩亮老师告诉大如何把握住雅思听力选择题的出题思路,希望对大复习雅思听力有所帮助!雅思听力的选择题型包括 单选题,多选题与配对题。考中同学们对选择题型的普遍感觉是:信息出现速度快,比较杂乱,因而易错。要解决选择题型一定要把握住听力的出题思路,亦即它的核心考查方向:Listening Comprehension(听力理解)。把握出题思路一:特点分析为了考查考生的听力理解能力, 雅思听力选择题采用了两大方法:Indirect Information(间接信息)与Trap(干扰项)。间接信息指的是:录音中听到的内容与正确选项中的内容貌离神合,经常是文字不一致,但意思一致。干扰项指的是:录音中听到的内容与若干错误选项中的内容貌合神离,往往是文字一致,但意思风马牛。例1: Cambridge 4 Test 4 Section 2 Question 13The walks offered by TravelliteA.cater for a range of walking abilities.B. are planned by guides from the local area.C.are for people with good fitness levels.录音:Each day we offer three separate walks catering for all skills and fitness levels.解析:干扰项为C选项,选项中的fitness levels是干扰的重点,与录音原文文字一致,但起限定作用的形容词good与录音原文中all含义不一致,所以C是错选。正确选项为A选项,选项中的walking abilities指的就是录音原文中的fitness levels, 而a range of指的就是录音原文中的all, 因此A是正确选项.例2: Cambridge 5 Test 2 Section 2 Question 18-20Which THREE things can the general public do to help the charity Pedal Power?A. organize a bicycle collectionB. repair the donated bikesC. donate their unwanted tools D. do voluntary work in its officeE. hold an event to raise moneyF. identify areas that need bikesG. write to the government录音:Also, you could help by contacting the voluntary staff at our offices. They’ll be able to suggest activities you could organize to bring in funds for us.解析:这个多选题的D选项是一个其容易错选的干扰项,选项与录音中都有voluntary, 但意思并不一致,选项讲的是做志愿者工作,录音讲的是联系机构中的志愿者。相反,E选项虽然没有一样的文字,但意思完全对应,选项中的event和money分别就是录音里的activities和funds, 所以是正确选项。因此得出一个结论:雅思听力中的正确选项往往不像,干扰项往往很像;提出一点建议:Do not judge a choice by its look.和分享一个体会:雅思听力选择题的出题思路生动的再现了经典的英民性格即:含蓄或拐弯抹角。必须特别注意的是,大部分选择题在解题过程中都要做到的必不可少的一步是:Paraphrase(同意转换);如all-a range of, fitness levels-walking abilities, activities-event, funds-money…。这是由于听力的根本考点是Listening Comprehension, 于是也就有了选择题型Indirect Information和Trap的特点,后也就决定了要做好选择题型一定要做好Paraphrase; 听力中Paraphrase做的好不好,直接决定了一次考的成败。 把握出题思路二:针对方案(以Paraphrase为核心的解题方法)读题,解题的基础是读题,读好题相当于解了一半的题。读题的重点在于找好Keywords(关键词)。找关键词是为听题铺垫,可以让我们了解题目的内容,明确听题的侧重点。例4: Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 2 Question 17What does the speaker say about university accommodation on campus?A. Most places are given to undergraduates.B. No places are available for postgraduates with families.C. A limited number of places are available for new postgraduates.读题:题目中找到关键词accommodation on campus.选项中ABC中的undergraduates, postgraduates with families和new postgraduates分别是三个选项的名词主体,可以帮助区分选项;另外,most, no和limited分别是对三个名词主体进行限定的形容词,可以成为选项对错判断的依据。录音:One or two of you touched on the subject of accommodation earlier, so I’ll just add a few point. It is the university’s policy to give priority in the allocation of residence places to three categories, and those are, visiting students, exchange students and new postgraduate students. However, demand exceeds supply, so there’s still a need to put your name down early for campus accommodation, particularly, if your family is accompanying you.解析:初出现的accommodation帮助定位。随后,new postgraduate students引导视线到C选项,在听到demand exceeds supply并进行同意转换后,确定C是正确答案(供不应求就是limited的意思)。后面,出现干扰内容:if your family is accompanying you, 调整视线到B选项,但根据选项中的形容词no可以判断B的内容与录音不符(录音中强调的是有庭成员陪同位置就更有限,B选项说的是有陪同就没位置),因此B是一个干扰项。至此,很明晰的一点是:对于雅思听力,读题,或者更正确的说是有针对性的读题,非常的重要!所有的努力,所有的准备工作,都是为了在听题时能更有效的进行同意转换,找到正确答案。如果说听题是战场杀敌,读题就是战前侦查,侦查到位,知己知彼,侦查不到位,死都不知道怎么死的。读题做到位了,听题也就自然而然了。步骤如下:1. Locating: locate where the question is.2. Judging: judge whether every choice is right or wrong.简单的说就是:定位-判断,两步走。同时,在判断当中一定要牢记前面说过的两个特点:Indirect answer和Trap.(推荐剑桥练习:剑三P12, 剑四P36, 剑五P33, 81, 83把握出题思路三:选择题型中的预测Prediction(预测)是雅思听力两个基本解题方法中的一个(另一个就是关键词),主要运用于填空题型,但在选择题型中偶尔可以运用。 填空题型的预测主要在于观察选项组合,有一种组合是非常容易预测的,即干扰性组合:三个选项中有两个有明显的互相干扰作用,则另一个选项可以暂时排除。例5: Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 2 Question 20With regard to their English, the speaker advises that students toA. tell their lecturers if they have problems understanding.B. have private English lessons when they arriveC. practice their spoken English before they arrive.预测:BC选项存在明显互相干扰作用,一个是到英后加强英语 ,一个是来英前加强英语 ;关键词分别划在when和before, 来进行区分,同时可以先排除A。录音:One or two of you ask earlier about your level of spoken English, obviously most of you have already achieved a lot, I wish I could speak your language half as well. Having said that though, I’m afraid the lecturers will make little or no allowance for the presence of non-native speakers in the audience, so anything you can do to improve your spoken English, even beyond the pretty high level most of you have already reached will make your stay with us that bit more fun for you. Some extra practice before you arrive is worth more than, for example, private lessons afterwards when you won’t really have time.解析:通过后一句Some extra practice before you arrive is worth more than, for example, private lessons afterwards… 可判断正确答案为C, 录音通篇未提A, 这是因为这样的选项组合,出题意图就在于用BC来进行干扰,如果答案用A则不能利用到BC的干扰作用,无法达到出题目的。以上即是本次环球青藤教研老师针对如何把握住雅思听力选择题的出题思路进行的解析和总结,值得大借鉴,希望能提高考友们的雅思听力选择题正确率。