
博弈论为一种用数学工具分析竞争策略的理论,现在日益为企业战略决策者所青睐,帮助他们分析竞争对手可能做出的反应,以检验其策略是否奏效。博弈论可追溯到2500年前中国军事家孙子所著的《孙子兵法》。在上世纪40年代,数学家约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)和奥斯卡·摩根斯坦(Oskar Morgenstern)将这一方法运用到经济学理论中。到了上世纪70年代,博弈论逐渐进入学术界主流。当时,著名的经济学家托马斯·谢林(Thomas Schelling)和罗伯特·奥曼(Robert Aumann)运用它来研究逆向选择和信息不对称问题(两人在2005年因为其研究获得了诺贝尔奖)。

博弈论包罗万象,但大多数公司都选择比较简单的模式,帮助管理者将关注点集中在竞争心态上。“一旦涉及复杂的推理,博弈论就可能变得过于专业而难以运用,”在沃顿商学院讲授博弈论的教授路易斯·托马斯(Louis Thomas)说,“关键在于返璞归真。”比如,讲授博弈论通常会引用一个 “囚徒困境” 的例子,描述了囚犯个人的理性选择如何决定两人的命运.


A mathematical method of analyzing game-playing strategies, game theory is catching on with corporate planners, enabling them to test their moves against the possible responses of their competitors.

Its origins trace as far back as The Art of War, the unlikely management best-seller penned 2,500 years ago by the Chinese general Sun Tzu.

Mathematicians John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern adapted the method for economics in the 1940s, and game theory entered the academic mainstream in the 1970s, when economists like Thomas Schelling and Robert Aumann used it to study adverse selection and problems of asymmetric information. (Schelling and Aumann won Nobel prizes in 2005 for their work.)

Game theory can take many forms, but most companies use a simplified version that focuses executives on the mind-set of the competition.

"The formal stuff quickly becomes very technical and less useful," says Louis Thomas, a professor at the Wharton School of Business who teaches game theory. "It's a matter of peeling it back to its bare essentials."

One popular way to teach the theory hinges on a situation called the "prisoner's dilemma," where the fate of two detainees depends on whether each snitches or stays silent about an alleged crime.
第1个回答  2010-06-18
Game theory as a mathematical tool to analyze the theory of competitive strategy, corporate strategy is increasingly favored by policy makers to help them analyze the response of competitors likely to test their strategies are working. Game theory can be traced back 2500 years ago, Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, wrote "The Art of War." 40 years in the last century, mathematician John von Neumann (John von Neumann) and Oscar Morgenstern (Oskar Morgenstern) used this approach to economic theory. To 70s of last century, game theory has gradually into the academic mainstream. At that time, the famous economist Thomas Schelling (Thomas Schelling), and Robert Aumann (Robert Aumann) use it to study the problem of adverse selection and asymmetric information (both in 2005 received the Nobel Prize for their research) .

Game all-inclusive, but most companies have chosen a relatively simple model to help managers to focus attention on the competition mentality. "Once involved in complex reasoning, game theory may become too specialized and difficult to use," taught in the Wharton School of Business Lewis Thomas Professor of Game Theory (Louis Thomas) said, "The key is back to nature." For example, the teaching game theory usually refers to a "prisoner's dilemma" example, describes how the rational choice of individual prisoners decide fate of two.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-06-08
博弈论为一种用数学工具分析竞争策略的理论,现在日益为企业战略决策者所青睐,帮助他们分析竞争对手可能做出的反应,以检验其策略是否奏效。博弈论可追溯到2500年前中国军事家孙子所著的《孙子兵法》。在上世纪40年代,数学家约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)和奥斯卡·摩根斯坦(Oskar Morgenstern)将这一方法运用到经济学理论中。到了上世纪70年代,博弈论逐渐进入学术界主流。当时,著名的经济学家托马斯·谢林(Thomas Schelling)和罗伯特·奥曼(Robert Aumann)运用它来研究逆向选择和信息不对称问题(两人在2005年因为其研究获得了诺贝尔奖)
Game theory as a mathematical tool to analyze the theory of competitive strategy, corporate strategy is increasingly favored by policy makers to help them analyze the response of competitors likely to test their strategies are working. Game theory can be traced back 2500 years ago, written by Chinese military strategist Sun Zi's "Art of War." 40 years in the last century, mathematician John von Neumann (John von Neumann) and Oscar Morgenstern (Oskar Morgenstern) used this approach to economic theory. To the 70s of last century, game theory has gradually entered the academic mainstream. At that time, the famous economist Thomas Schelling (Thomas Schelling), and Robert Aumann (Robert Aumann) use it to study the problem of adverse selection and asymmetric information (both in 2005 received the Nobel Prize for their research) .
博弈论包罗万象,但大多数公司都选择比较简单的模式,帮助管理者将关注点集中在竞争心态上。“一旦涉及复杂的推理,博弈论就可能变得过于专业而难以运用,”在沃顿商学院讲授博弈论的教授路易斯·托马斯(Louis Thomas)说,“关键在于返璞归真。”比如,讲授博弈论通常会引用一个 “囚徒困境” 的例子,描述了囚犯个人的理性选择如何决定两人的命运.

Game all-inclusive, but most companies have chosen a relatively simple model to help managers to focus attention on the competition mentality. "Once involved in complex reasoning, game theory may become too specialized and difficult to use," taught in the Wharton School of Business Lewis Thomas Professor of Game Theory (Louis Thomas) said, "The key is back to nature." For example, the teaching game theory usually refer to a "prisoner's dilemma" example, described how inmates rational choice of individuals decide the fate of the two.