

第1个回答  2022-07-16
facilitate verb.
to make something possible or easier 促使;促进;使便利

派生词:facility、facilitator 服务商,促进者 noun

近义词:promote,boost,convenient(adj.),speed up,pave the way for, expedite,oil the wheels of,further

expedite:vt. to make something happen more quickly 迅速完成;促进;加快 noun.expedition 探险队
eg.Something needs to be done to expedite the proess.
further: to develop or make progress in something 增进
eg.Additional training is probably the best way to further your career these days.

反义词: prevent, delay,frustrate,handicap,restrain,hamper,thwart,hinder,obstruct,impede,encumber,hold up or back

impede:vt. to make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to do something 阻碍,阻止
eg. Although he's shy, it certainly hasn't impeded his career in any way.
encumber:vt. to weigh someone or something down, or to make it difficult for someone to do something 使....负担沉重;妨碍;拖累。
eg. Today,thankfully, women tennis players are not encumbered with/by long,heavy skirts and high-necked blouses.

More examples:
The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs. 新坡道将方便轮椅进入。
The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow. 当前的体系不利于实施高效的工作流程。